Curved buttocks in 2023: you will succumb to these 3 variants of yoga

No more broken resolutions and empty New Year’s promises in January, we’re better than that, right? Admit! When we say on the evening of the 31st: “I’m getting into sport this year”, very often the idea of ​​the monotonous treadmill and the tasteless weight room makes us change our option directos on January 1st and sport becomes THE big goal not met year after year. But in 2023, no more nonsense and statements like “I’ll go tomorrow”. We get started without further delay by finding sports that mix everything we really need. To know ? Fun, pleasure and letting go. Because we love to make your life easier at the editorial office, we offer you 2 variants of yoga that promise you a bomba silhouette and a desire to go back there every week, yes, if sworn!

Fly Yoga: yoga in the air

It is a new variant of yoga that is emerging and conquering the hearts of the most athletic as well as the most relaxed among us! Also called suspended yoga, a coached session mixes fitness, yoga postures, dance and gym movements: ultra intense, we agree, but terribly playful. It is in a hammock that we let ourselves be carried away by the instructions of a coach and in the space of an hour, our thighs are firmed up, our abdominal belt is sheathed and our arms and legs have been put to the test to keep us in a state of weightlessness! If the whole body is firmed and muscular, fly yoga gives our silhouette a whole new flexibility and it is the perfect sporting activity for all people looking to let go…

Hot Yoga: ideal for the chilly

To take a step back, manage stress, toning up your muscles and also detoxifying your body, this new form of yoga is making itself known and seducing those in search of a moment of relaxation that purifies their body in depth. With the heat (ambient temperature of 40°C) which infuses the room, the muscles relax more quickly and the tensions disappear, which means that relaxation is instantaneous. Oxygenation and the awareness of the breath allows time to evacuate a series of stressors. Like any regular sports practice, Hot Yoga helps you lose weight! It refines your silhouette and strengthens all the muscles of your body. The heat helps to stretch your body, so hot yoga allows you to stretch further. The muscles relax better and more quickly, we can go further in the effort. It improves posture by strengthening the muscles, especially the back and abdominals. It is a good remedy for back pain as it realigns and strengthens the spine. Through perspiration, the body is deeply detoxified. Your energy is increased tenfold and you find a good quality of sleep.

Power Yoga: for an intense session

This type of yoga is very fitness oriented. It improves both strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The sessions are a little shorter than for other types of yoga. To exercise with a cardio intensity present from the beginning to the end of the session, power yoga is ideal because it tones, muscles and creates a real sculpted silhouette. All those who do not like fitness bet on power yoga which requires strength, endurance and a healthy heart. Those who do not attach real importance to spiritual, quiet and meditative yoga, this type of yoga allows you to exert yourself, to change your mind and to let go 100%. At the end of a session? You feel invigorated and ultra dynamic. Want to squats, push-ups, lunges or crunches? We start power yoga illico presto.

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Curved buttocks in 2023: you will succumb to these 3 variants of yoga

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