5 Yoga Poses to Help You Fight Insomnia and Sleep Better – Media Patrollers

Yoga can help you fight insomnia and alleviate sleep disturbances. We discover the 5 asanas for a good night’s rest

Yoga can help you fight insomnia and alleviate sleep disturbances. Let’s discover the 5 asanas for a good night’s rest

We have all experienced I’insomnia for one reason or another. There are times when lack of sleep cannot be resolved, such as when you have a baby, or if you are going through a divorce or a particularly stressful time. In other cases, however, insomnia can be resolved by practicing a few small exercises, such as:

  • to write: do you have one or more problems that torment you, that worry you before going to bed? Write them down and leave them on the kitchen table where you sit in the morning. This is a form of partitioning: your subconscious mind works on a solution while you and your conscious mind rest. You will be surprised what happens the next morning, because you will find that the problem is much less important or that your subconscious has found the solution.
  • set a sleep schedule: establish a daily rest routine. Your body has a natural cycle and most of us are unaware of it; we are generally not in tune with our bodies, so it can be essential to go back to basics and establish a schedule for all activities, including sleep.
  • practice yoga every day: If you try to dedicate at least fifteen minutes a day to yoga, you will find that you have a lot more energy during the day. This daily practice will also help you sleep well.

Yoga postures to fight insomnia and sleep well

Bend forward from a seated position (Paschimottanasana)

Here’s how to run it:

  • sit on the floor with your legs stretched out
  • now raise your arms above your head and slowly bend forward.
  • try to touch your toes with the tips of your hands and your head on your knee.

You may not be able to touch your toes right away, but know that you will get better with time. Exhale as you lean forward, breathe normally as you hold the pose, then inhale as you come back up.

Bend forward while standing (Uttanasana)

Stand up straight, raise your hands above your head and, while inhaling slowly, lean completely forward and push your buttocks back; your palms should touch the floor and your forehead should touch your knees. If you can’t fully bend forward or are uncomfortable with the hamstring stretch, bend your knees slightly.

Stay in this pose until you feel comfortable. This asana helps blood flow to the head which helps the body transition from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system. To return to the upright position, slowly bring your arms above your head as you inhale, lifting your upper body; as you exhale, lower your arms in front of your face. Remember to raise your hips without straining your muscles.

Position of the knees on the chest (Apanasana)

knees to chest

This is a great pose for relax the back and tight muscles in the neck and thighs. All you have to do is lie on your back and place your palms on your knees.

As you exhale, gently bring your legs closer to your chest, and as you inhale, release your grip and let your legs move completely away from your belly. Do this exercise for a few minutes at your own pace, then let your breath guide your movements. Hold this position for a while and close your eyes; sand your mind is not at peace, try counting your breaths. This helps calm the mind, and when you feel calm, slowly lower your legs to the floor and relax.

Restricted lying position (Supta Baddha Konasana)

corner lying position

This asana helps relax the mind and body, and also stretches the muscles of the legs and back. Here’s how:

  • lie on the ground
  • Slowly bend your knees and bring your heels towards your buttocks.
  • while inhaling slowly, open your knees and move them towards the floor
  • Raise your arms above your head and rest them on the floor. You can take a few long breaths in this position.
  • to return to the starting position, bring your hands back to the normal position, slowly bring your knees together and straighten your legs
  • to stand up, roll onto your left side and use your hands.

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

the position of the corpse

Start by lying on your back and placing your palms at your sides, palms facing up, lie down fully and remain still while continuing to breathe. We recommend that you follow a good yoga teacher, who will teach you the controlled breathing (pranayama) gradual relaxation and meditation all the powerful techniques to relax before falling asleep.

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5 Yoga Poses to Help You Fight Insomnia and Sleep Better – Media Patrollers

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