Samantha Bee returns to furiously demolish Alito, GOP and Hannity

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Full frontal with Samantha Bee was on a three-week hiatus on the same day Judge Samuel Alito’s draft opinion was to be overturned Deer versus calf leaked to the press, making Thursday night the host’s first show since that bombshell. “Just a beautiful day to sit back, soak up the sun and burn your throat with endless screaming,” she joked.

Turns out the wait was worth it.

Calling the draft declaration a trailer for “how horrible and bloody life is going to be for many people” once states are free to outright ban abortion, Bee shot down the “infuriating” arguments. d’Alito, including his decision to have a To quote some fucking 17th century “idiots” who defended marital rape and executed women for “witchcraft”.

She went on to attack conservatives who “presented themselves as the real victims” in response to mass protests, including outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices. After playing clips of Senator Mitch McConnell, Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Piers Morgan and others calling for “civilization,” Bee replied, “Excuse me, but in my most polite way, then- I humbly ask you to fuck off!” ‘”

“How dare Republicans demand courtesy while denying us our civil rights?” cried the innkeeper. “If Susan Collins has a sidewalk full of bubble chalk, she’s not the victim. When Amy Coney Barrett’s nerdy mansion is visited by a pack of traveling maids, she’s not the victim. .

Instead, Bee listed the “real victims of this atrocity,” including those who “may face murder charges” for having abortions, and people of color who “will depressingly bear the brunt of the brunt.” reproductive decisions made by males born on…at best, as far as I know, females believe they lay eggs.

Although abortion rates “are not going to go down,” she said, the only thing that will change is that more pregnant women will die. But in a bid to end on a less “desperate” note, Bee urged his viewers to keep fighting for reproductive rights: “Because if they take away our right to choose, fighting is the only choice we have. let’s have.” .”

For more, listen to Samantha Bee the last laugh Podcast:

Samantha Bee returns to furiously tear down Alito, GOP, and Hannity

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Samantha Bee returns to furiously demolish Alito, GOP and Hannity

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