International night: Bats, masters of the reign of the night

It is the only animal that does not have a Day, but a dedicated International Night. The bat is also unique in many ways. The only mammal with the ability to fly through the air, it rules the night world, hibernates in winter and hunts by moving by echolocation. Loved by some, hated by others, the least we can say is that she leaves no one indifferent.

The bat, whose various species are classified in the “chiroptera” family, was to be at the heart of several events organized around the world – mainly in Europe – during the night of August 28 to 29, 2022. The announced objective is to demystify an often misunderstood species and to call for its conservation. “Chiroptera are veritable biopesticides that play a fundamental ecological role. In a single night, the bat can engulf several hundred mosquitoes,” explains El Ayachi Sahhar, chiroptera specialist and Moroccan scientific focal point for the Agreement on the Conservation of Bat Populations in Europe (Eurobats).

A species protected by law

“Moroccans usually tend to keep their distance from bats. But there are, however, poachers who capture them in order to sell them to charlatans who, in turn, use them in traditional medicine and witchcraft,” deplores El Ayachi Sehhar. This family is however protected by Law 29-05 (relating to the protection of species of wild flora and fauna and the control of their trade) which prohibits their capture, sale or possession.

“Poaching has unfortunately contributed to the decline of bats in certain regions, particularly in the central plateau. A few years ago, false rumors were relayed in social networks about bats. A message announcing that “the nests” of bats could be sold for a very high price. During a field mission that I led at the time, I had noticed that young people were following me to locate the bats’ roosts. It was absolutely absurd, because bats don’t even make nests since they have nothing to do with birds,” says the scientist.

An endangered animal

Although bat populations seem to be doing well in several natural habitats in the Kingdom, the fact remains that these animals face several threats. “In addition to poaching, bats are mainly threatened by the regression of their natural habitats and by the excessive use of pesticides which decimates their natural prey. This is particularly the case in mountainous regions where apple tree cultivation is practiced, which requires significant phytosanitary treatment.

There is also an impact linked to the disturbance or even to certain wind farms where collisions or “barotrauma” are sometimes recorded, that is to say more or less serious damage linked to the sudden change in atmospheric pressure. However, this impact remains quite marginal compared to other threats, especially since it is limited to certain very specific areas, “explains the same source, which specifies that the threats to bats in Morocco are globally almost identical. to those listed in other regions of the globe.

Lack of a dedicated strategy

In view of their important role in the regulation of harmful insects, bats in Europe, as in several regions of the world, occupy a privileged place in biodiversity conservation programs.

“In Morocco, although all bats are protected by Law No. 29-05, we do not yet see a real awareness for the effective conservation of these very precious animals. Bats still fail to be taken into consideration in an appropriate national strategy for the conservation of these mammals of great interest, as they are totally ignored in forest or urban development plans”, points out the specialist who supervises doctoral students. whose theses attempt to deepen knowledge of the ecology of these flying mammals.

“Studying the ecology of bats is not an easy field. It takes a lot of effort and patience and the ability to go out into the field at night. Studies carried out in recent decades have provided a lot of information on Moroccan bats, but much remains to be discovered,” concludes El Ayachi Sahhar.

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International night: Bats, masters of the reign of the night

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