Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Ending Explained | Pretty Reel

The ending of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone has far more significance for the rest of the series than audiences realize. As the franchise’s first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone has the advantage of knowing the series’ roadmap, as JK Rowling had already released the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, at the time of release. his exit. The first film could also be considered a standalone work. Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, and his friends enter the growing world of witchcraft and magic, he discovers what happened to his parents, and he confronts and seemingly defeats Voldemort for good.

There’s no mention of Death Eaters, Deathly Hallows, or Horcruxes in the first Harry Potter film, yet the foundation for the series is laid in just two and a half hours. Plenty of character motivations are featured in the first Harry Potter adaptation, and the plot momentum begins in the film as eight adventure-filled installments of magic and storytelling begin. While franchise details aren’t fully revealed here, the central storyline can be seen in a deeper analysis of the ending of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as Dumbledore (Richard Harris), Harry, Voldemort, and their intertwined relationship are all present on the filter.

Invisibility Cloak and Mirror of Erised

The middle of Harry Potter at the Sorcerer’s Stone is also the middle of the school year at Hogwarts. At Christmas, Harry Potter receives an invisibility cloak which he uses to travel to chambers containing the Philosopher’s Stone. This ability to protect Harry from adults and other figures of superiority is a frequent theme in the films, and it is not until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that the cloak is revealed to be one of the Original Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter uses the Invisibility Cloak to bring the story of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to the final scene before the third act begins.

Harry sneaks into Hogwarts to find the Mirror of Erised. What he and Dumbledore see in the mirror aren’t just moments of character development, they foreshadow events after Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Dumbledore pretends to be holding a pair of socks, but later the audience learns that Dumbledore may be looking at his family tree. Harry sees his parents, in as real a situation as he remembers until a point in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where he sees an apparition of his parents, again as he hides under the cloak of invisibility, on his way to confront Voldemort in the forest.

Support from Ron and Hermione

Harry Potter wouldn’t be the same character without the support and love of his two best friends, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone presents these two characters very early on as precocious, argumentative, but ultimately loyal and courageous children. The strength of the union of the trio that forms the bedrock of the series begins in earnest in this first film. Hermione and Ron’s support and courage means Harry Potter doesn’t need to cast a spell in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Their friendship that grows throughout the series begins here, especially during the trials before Harry Potter confronts Voldemort.

The heroism of Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone gives viewers their first glimpse into a powerful piece of magical lore that isn’t concretely explained until later in the series. When Professor Quirrell (Ian Hart), possessed and aiding an incorporeal Voldemort, goes to attack Harry, the boy’s very touch incinerates the evil wizard. Harry grabs Quirrell’s face and turns him and Voldemort to ashes. At the age of 11, as the monstrous figure of a two-headed dark wizard approaches him, Harry quickly deduces how to defeat his enemy and has the courage and confidence to use his knowledge.

Dumbledore’s Secret Knowledge

Albus Dumbledore seems like a much less judgmental character in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone compared to how he’s characterized in future movies (especially when Dumbledore was recast with Michael Gambon). At the end of the film, Harry Potter and Dumbledore chat in a way that would become standard for the series. Harry questions the events of the film, and Dumbledore offers just enough answers to help him understand and protect him.

Dumbledore explains to Harry what happened to the Philosopher’s Stone. He says the stone only appears to those who want it but don’t use it, giving a little insight into the incredible magical powers that Dumbledore possesses. Dumbledore’s explanation to Harry of why Voldemort couldn’t touch him is far more important than it appears on the first watch of the Harry Potter films. Dumbledore says Harry’s mother’s love stopped Voldemort. This sets up a protective spell that saves Harry multiple times throughout the series and is one of the reasons he defeats Voldemort at the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

The True Meaning of Harry Potter and the End of the Philosopher’s Stone

Each year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter and Friends involves some sort of danger and adventure that young wizards are drawn into as Voldemort grows in power. No matter how the year unfolds, it always ends the same way: the students of Hogwarts have grown up, evil has been vanquished, for now, and it’s time to board the Hogwarts Express and head home. his home. At the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry gets on the train but admits he is not going home because Hogwarts is his place. The castle is as much a character as any person in the series.

Harry’s attachment creates fear in the next film. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts itself becomes a dangerous place for students with the basilisk patrolling the halls. How the safety of Harry’s real home is reversed is set up by his wish to stay at the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Hogwarts is part of every movie in the series to come, and nearly every major event in the franchise, including the show’s crescendo at the Mortal Battle of Hogwarts, takes place somewhere within its halls. It is an important setup that Harry immediately finds his first home at Hogwarts.

We want to give thanks to the writer of this write-up for this amazing material

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Ending Explained | Pretty Reel

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