Gender: the CCF wants to identify the issue related to the emancipation of women

After covering eight departments in three weeks, the team coordinated by Professor Didier Ngalebaye reviewed the progress of the studies and the methodology used on September 5 in Brazzaville. She also presented to the executive secretary of the CCF, Antoinette Kebi, the results she achieved as well as the difficulties encountered. Composed of philosophers, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, jurists and statistician-demographers, this team used the theoretical epistemo-ethical model to reach its targets in the departments of Plateaux, Cuvette, Cuvette-Ouest, Sangha, Kouilou, Niari, Lékoumou and Bouenza.

“The resource persons: women and men, aged over 55, were chosen on the basis of the local ethnolinguistic map, at the rate of one or two per ethnic community, so as to be able to reconstruct the itinerary of the condition of the Congolese woman, from the pre-colonial period until 2022, in order to better perceive the current issues”recalled Professor Didier Ngalebaye.

Without going into details, he indicated that these studies clearly showed that the Congo is deeply fractured in two camps. As an example, he cited the key to the distribution of the deceased husband’s assets, which underestimates the investment of the molecular family in the schooling and socio-professional positioning of the young boy, including the ingratitude and arbitrariness of the family code are at the origin of many cases of witchcraft observed in families and which cause the existential instability of widows and orphans. “The authorities govern from the city based on modern positive law, the foundation of which comes from the West, but the populations live according to their customs. Between positive law and customs, there is no dialogue to take only the case of marriage”he hinted.

Welcoming this opportunity offered by the CCF to national investigators, in particular those from the University of Brazzaville, Didier Ngalebaye announced the continuation of studies in the Pool department from next week. This before the official presentation of the results in about a month.1662489980 94 Gender the CCF wants to identify the issue related to

According to the executive secretary of the CCF, these two studies aim to clearly identify the various issues raised. When we talk about inequalities between the sexes, we must know, reminded Antoinette Kebi, their origins. With regard to the obstacles that negatively impact the emancipation of women, she underlined the need to get to the bottom of the problem, to criss-cross the various departments to talk with people, especially since certain blockages are inherent in customs and to the education received. “We sincerely believe that this study will be of great benefit to scientific society and to populations. This will allow us to better understand the problem and to carry out our missions more specifically, namely to give advice to the President of the Republic concerning the status of women and to make suggestions aimed at improving the integration of women in public life and in all spheres of life.she said.

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Gender: the CCF wants to identify the issue related to the emancipation of women

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