All the gods of Hades 2 explained – Kronos, Melinoe, Apollo, and more

Like the first game, the gods of Hades 2 will be numerous (and let’s be honest, hot) in number and, although Hades 2’s early access release date is a long way off, we already know of a handful of deities and of themes. The sequel from Supergiant Games will be discussed. From Melinoë to Kronos, Apollo, Hecate, and the titular Hades, you’ll encounter plenty of Greek mythological figures as you fight your way through the underworld in the roguelike game. So on that note, here are all the gods we know about in Hades 2 and how they fit into the Greek mythos.

The following is not a complete list of all the gods in Hades 2, as Supergiant Games will most likely reveal more over time before the Early Access release. It’s also worth noting that none of what we write below is set in stone for Hades 2.

Greek myth, including stories and characters, has always been incredibly fluid after being passed down orally for thousands of years, and Supergiant Games have made it their mission in the first game to take the myths and expand the characters in a modern and believable way, so expect a few twists on what we know.


Melinoë is the brother of Zagreus and the daughter of Hades in Hades 2, and the game’s protagonist, and although her history in the ancient world is a bit murky, an Orphic hymn from around 2,000 years ago tells us tell a bit more about her. With black limbs on one side and white on the other, it was charged with the appeasements offered to the ghosts of the dead.

The two black and white limbs of the goddess are apparently meant to represent her separation between the underworld and the celestial world above. All we really know about Melinoë is that she is described as the daughter of Persephone and Hades (sometimes called a variant of Zeus), and that she was heavily involved with the ghosts of the dead. Some also believe that Melinoë was Hecate’s Orphic title, which makes the next god of Hades 2 a little confusing – much in the same way as the links between Zagreus and Dionysus in Greek myth, in fact.


If we take Hecate as a separate entity from Melinoe, like Supergiant did in Hades 2 as a woman in all-black robes, she is the goddess of magic, spells, the moon, and the night. In Hades 2, it looks like Hecate will aid Melinoë in her quest against Kronos (which we’ll get to), training her in sorcery and combat.

Shrines dedicated to Hecate would be placed at the entrances of houses to ward off witchcraft and evil, according to many contemporary plays like Euripides and Aristophanes. We can also see connections to other gods of early Hades, as Hecate helped Demeter search for her daughter Persephone in myth after she was abducted by Hades.

The Homeric Hymn to Demeter also states that Hecate then acted as Persephone’s companion when she traveled to the underworld to pass a third of each yeast with Hades (the Greek myth is a bit confusing, don’t don’t worry), Hecate’s advice being often depicted. by the iconography of a torch, and it has a glowing green one in the trailer. I would expect this connection between Persephone and Hecate to be explored in Hades 2, as Hecate seems to have a close relationship with Melinoë in the trailer.


Kronos appears to be the villain of the Hades 2 gods, imprisoned in chains at the end of the trailer (potentially) and acting as the driving force of the narrative, referred to as “time itself.”

God of time and king of the Titans, Kronos devoured his own children, except for Zeus, in fear of a prophecy that he would be overthrown by his own son. Zeus then later rescued his siblings and imprisoned Kronos, again later freeing him and making him ruler of the Elysian Isles (which is an inspiration for the third floor of the original Hades, actually), where the heroes were sent by the gods after death.

Father to both Zeus and Hades, the God of Time is probably just a little pissed about being imprisoned. While the circumstances may be different for the Gods of Hades 2, I’d venture to assume that Hades’ imprisonment is a form of revenge, with Kronos’ relationship to time potentially playing into the repeated roguelike element of the races. ‘Hades 2 – time travel, perhaps?


We also see the Greek god Moros in the trailer, described as “Doom Incarnate.” The God of Doom himself (who knew), Moros would lead doomed mortals to their deaths. Moros is also the son of Nyx, Zagreus’ kind of adoptive mother in the original Hades, so it’s not too surprising that Moros seeks to help Melinoë, as they will likely have a pre-existing relationship. Ares helped you inflict the Doom effect in the first game, but it’s unknown if Moros will be tied to it at this time.

Moros is inevitable in Greek mythology: he can’t die and mortals try to surpass him and their fate in many stories, but he’s probably a god from Hades 2 so it’s unclear how he’ll fit in in history.


Apollo also makes a brief appearance, described as the “God of Light”. He is the god of many things (as many gods were), with Hades 2 apparently going with the interpretation of sun and light.

A god who appeared many times in ancient Greek culture, often depicted with a lyre, quiver and bow, and a raven. It looks like Supergiant is combining bow and lyre for their performance, as Apollo is clearly wielding a multi-stringed bow, somewhat mimicking the appearance of a lyre. His power as a god in Hades 2 will apparently be tied to light, though it’s unclear exactly how.


Nemesis, who I’m sure is already giving Lady Dimitrescu fan artists a hard time, is described as “Retribution Incarnate” in Hades 2. The goddess of revenge and retribution, Nemesis is basically a good comedy to the old one.

Although sometimes disputed, it is widely believed that she is also a child of Nyx, which may further tie Nemesis to the first Hades. One of the most famous myths Nemesis is involved in is that of Narcissus, a handsome hunter who was terrible to all his admirers, so Nemesis lured him into a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection, eventually dying. as he could’ can’t bear to look away (mood).

With multiple ties to Nyx from the gods and goddesses in Hades 2, it’s likely that the former consort of the first game’s gods will play a role in the sequel, even if they don’t appear directly.

These are all of the Hades 2 gods we know of so far, but more will likely appear as Supergiant Games shares more footage and details about the highly anticipated roguelike game.

We would love to give thanks to the author of this post for this remarkable material

All the gods of Hades 2 explained – Kronos, Melinoe, Apollo, and more

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