“Conscious” artificial intelligence? The whistleblower was actually a ‘mystical priest’ – The DNA

Conscious artificial intelligence The whistleblower was actually a mystical priest

A Google engineer caused a stir last week by claiming that one of his artificial intelligence programs was “aware”. Before explaining yesterday on Twitter that as a priest, it was “a religious intuition” and not a scientific one that led him to this conclusion. Imagine: you find yourself faced with a artificial intelligence who explains … Read more

From whistleblower to bad flirt, the rhetoric of the whistle

From whistleblower to bad flirt the rhetoric of the whistle

Michigan jacket, in cotton, Carhartt WIP, €149. CHAUMONT-ZAERPOUR FOR M LE MAGAZINE DU MONDE Ptalk about whistling without evoking the hilarious theme composed by Vladimir Cosma for the film The friends or the final scene of Brian’s Life really isn’t serious. Similarly, do not call The Bridge over the River Kwai wouldn’t make any sense. … Read more