1931: Rule of law flouted, gendarmes on the front line, an unprecedented mobilization against crime in Corsica

Astrology The life of these horoscope signs will experience a

The bloody clashes between the police and bandits push the prefect to use “the strong way”. Laval launches a vast operation “purification of the maquis” sweeping wide with 600 men and armored cars One morning in November 1931, the access roads to Ajaccio were blocked, the telephone and the telegraph cut off. Villages serving as … Read more

Netflix joins forces with cinemas in an unprecedented way

On Animal Consciousness… and Animal Welfare

LOS ANGELES: The film “Till”, tipped for the next Oscars, achieves a tour de force: that of retracing two hours during the assassination in segregationist America of the 1950s of a black teenager, who has become a symbol of the fight for civil rights, without any scene of violence. A choice claimed loud and clear … Read more