Olivier Germain-Thomas, a traveler discovering religions | RCF

Free daily horoscope what does Thursday December 8 2022 have

“I was missing a third to be the writer who completed the entire circumnavigation of the globe solely by land and sea. I wanted to have seen the whole of our planet.” It is now done, after a last trip from the west to the east of the United States. This stay was an opportunity … Read more

Is the traveler a traveler with a yoga mat? – Professional trips

Is the traveler a traveler with a yoga mat

In early September, Accor announced its “SHe Travel Club” certification. It is not nothing, in France particularly, to display your name in front of this institution, one of the largest hotel groups in the world. And moreover, this week, SHe Travel, this new hotel label supposed to ensure that the establishment is well suited to … Read more