Group practice of Transcendental Meditation reduces stress in the United States, study finds

Matteo Guendouzi selected for the World Cup who is Mae

Each year, from 2000 to 2006, there were tens of thousands of stress-related tragedies in the United States. Official statistics from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control indicate that there have been 15,440 murders, 93,438 rapes, and 86,348 child and adolescent deaths from accidents each year. give some examples. The current study is … Read more

The benefits of transcendental meditation

Transcendental meditation is a type of meditation in which a person repeats a Sanskrit mantra, or saying, in their mind. This is a secular practice that requires taking lessons from an instructor. Hindu monk Swami Brahmananda Saraswati first popularized Transcendental Meditation in the United States through his disciple, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Some studies suggest that … Read more

The Irresistible Rise of Transcendental Meditation

The horoscope of the week from July 1 to 7

Across the Atlantic, it’s the celebrities who talk about it best: Jerry Seinfeld describes transcendental meditation as his ” loader”, Katy Perry her “ game changer » Gwyneth Paltrow her rudder for “ navigate the not always calm river of his life”, Kendall Jenner her “ antidote to freak, ransom for his supercharged career as … Read more