These most famous beliefs and theories among young people

These most famous beliefs and theories among young people

Young people are gullible. It is an affirmation which is verified in our time, as in the past. However, in recent years, the emergence of social networks has brought conspiracy theories to the fore. Many people are confronted with it, especially young people. At an age when discernment is not given to everyone, a lot … Read more

Figures et images. De la figura antique aux théories contemporaines ? (revue Rubriques/Utpictura18)

Yoga of sound when singing takes a relaxing turn

Figures et images. De la figura antique aux théories contemporaines ? Revue Rubriques/Utpictura18 Numéro coordonné par : Benoît Tane, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, LLA CREATIS Comité scientifique : Hélène Campaignolle-Catel (CNRS, Sorbonne nouvelle) Ralph Dekoninck (UC Louvain, GEMCA) Agnès Guiderdoni (UC Louvain, GEMCA) Christophe Imbert (UT2J, LLA Creatis) Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé (UT2J, PLH) Olivier Leplatre (Lyon III, IHRIM) Sources … Read more

Harry Potter: 10 Craziest Redditor Theories That Might Be True | Pretty Reel

Harry Potter 10 Craziest Redditor Theories That Might Be True

Part of the fun of the Fantastic Beasts series is that it’s been able to confirm some fan theories that audiences have developed over the years since Harry Potter ended. An example is the confirmation in Dumbledore’s Secrets that Albus and Aberforth’s sister, Ariana, was an Obscurial. Unfortunately, not all fan theories will ever be … Read more

Taylor Swift’s Midnights is coming out soon. Here are the conspiracy theories surrounding it. – News 24

Taylor Swifts Midnights is coming out soon Here are the

This Friday, Taylor Swift will release her 10th studio album, Midnights. A number of fans eagerly awaiting the release are convinced that Swift is going to use the album release to make a big reveal, as always seems to be the case with Swifties. Moreover, they believe that she sowed Easter eggs for said revelation … Read more

Xenoblade Chronicles 3: What are the theories around the Queens of Keves and Agnus?

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 What are the theories around the Queens

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 invites you to discover two nations that share the lands of the world of Aionios. These are led by two queens which we are going to focus on for today’s topic as we talk about the theories around these two characters. First theory: Nia and Melia are the queens of Keves and … Read more