How to manage your stress well according to your astrological sign? – Here is

How to manage your stress well according to your astrological

Pressures at work, tensions at home… Stress quickly poisons our lives! Here is for each sign, a targeted anti-stress, for maximum efficiency! Bye bye stress! Sport, meditation, more unusual techniques… Which method to choose to reduce your stress according to your astrological sign ? The most sensitive signs can take time for them while signs … Read more

Hatha Yoga: An alternative to yoga to get rid of the stress of your daily life

Hatha Yoga An alternative to yoga to get rid of

Do you feel stressed ? If so, you are not alone. According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America survey, nearly one-third of adults report experiencing extreme levels of stress. And while many factors can contribute to our stress levels, sometimes we feel like we’re just trying to survive day to day. What if … Read more

This Simple Pose Calms the Brain and Reduces Stress

Matteo Guendouzi selected for the World Cup who is Mae

By Lena Couffin Posted 2 hours ago, Update 2 hours ago The “Viparita-karani” or half-stand yoga posture is said to reduce stress and promote blood circulation. Getty Images The ‘Viparita-karani’ or ‘half-stand’ yoga posture has gone viral on TikTok, racking up nearly 20 million views. Details on its benefits with an osteopath and yoga teacher. … Read more

Israeli startup helps beat stress with unique nutrition bars – I24NEWS

Israeli startup helps beat stress with unique nutrition bars

Nutrition bars contain a proprietary blend of stress-reducing adaptogens The Israeli startup MyAir, founded in 2019, has developed a revolutionary concept aimed at combating the enemy of all: chronic stress. It is a smart food company based on user data, helping to guide them in their stress management, providing them with personalized follow-up via a … Read more

Stress : tous les bienfaits de la méditation

Stress tous les bienfaits de la meditation

Chacun et chacune d’entre nous est exposĂ©.e au stress au cours de sa vie, mais nous ne rĂ©agissons pas tous de la mĂŞme façon. Chez certains, le stress peut devenir chronique, se transformer en trouble anxieux gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©… Parmi les mĂ©thodes naturelles pour s’en dĂ©barrasser, ou du moins le limiter, la mĂ©ditation a dĂ©montrĂ© de bons … Read more

En quatre semaines, réduisez votre stress en privilégiant ces types d’aliments dans l’assiette

Lorsqu’il s’agit de gĂ©rer son stress chronique, les principales recommandations dĂ©sormais bien connues sont de pratiquer rĂ©gulièrement de l’exercice physique, de prendre du temps pour ses activitĂ©s prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es, de miser sur un sommeil de qualitĂ©, voire de s’adonner Ă  la mĂ©ditation ou la pleine conscience. Mais les types d’aliments consommĂ©s peuvent Ă©galement constituer un moyen … Read more

How does yoga in the workplace act on the feeling of stress?

How does yoga in the workplace act on the feeling

Stress has become over the years a real scourge of public health. It is present in all areas of life and especially in the professional world. To combat stress within companies, several methods are used. This can include yoga, among other things. This relaxation activity helps enormously to fight stress thanks to many elements. Find … Read more

Stress, memory, addictions… The benefits of meditation for mental health

Riccardo Muti explains why the opera must assume its history

New studies have yet to highlight the positive impact of meditation on mental health and the proper functioning of the brain. The first one study coordinated by researchers from Inserm, the national institute for health and medical research, shows that meditation improves certain cognitive functions. In the study, the volunteers were 65 or older and … Read more

Do you know the benefits of positive anticipation, a natural stress reliever available to everyone?

10 good reasons to eat figs So Busy Girls

“Embrace the present moment” we are told when we start to psycho or philosophize about our future. If many agree that to enjoy life is to live the moment T, science and psychologists have a different discourse. Because anticipating would, in fact, be one of the keys to our psychic balance. According to several studies, … Read more