Rhone Gard: the Chartreuse de Valbonne will not be a haven of peace… the investors are throwing in the towel

The detonating Silence of Falk Richter

The investors had a project: to develop a program of healing stays based on yoga and mediation at the Chartreuse de Valbonne. The operation, costing €95 million, will ultimately not take place. The project was to generate at least 150 jobs. It is obviously a considerable loss for the territory and the local companies which … Read more

Metropolis of Lyon. Bac de philo 2022: discover the corrected text of Cournot by a professor from the Rhône

The Lyonnais teacher’s answer key In the text under study, the philosopher and mathematician Cournot addresses the theme of scientific knowledge, more particularly that which has as its object the human mind: psychology. The term comes from the Greek psychè which designates the soul and logos, which means reason, study. His thesis is that psychology … Read more