Interview with Professor Dodji Amouzouvi on the show “Le Cordon (…)

Interview with Professor Dodji Amouzouvi on the show Le Cordon

Tomorrow Saturday, August 6, will take place at Fitheb in Cotonou, the show “Cordon Ombilical”. Directed by Professor Amouzouvi Dodji and performed by the LARRED ballets, this show gives value to the different theses supported on the various deities of Vodoun. As a prelude to this dance and theater show, a preview took place yesterday … Read more

Metropolis of Lyon. Bac de philo 2022: discover the corrected text of Cournot by a professor from the Rhône

The Lyonnais teacher’s answer key In the text under study, the philosopher and mathematician Cournot addresses the theme of scientific knowledge, more particularly that which has as its object the human mind: psychology. The term comes from the Greek psychè which designates the soul and logos, which means reason, study. His thesis is that psychology … Read more