A Mauperthuis, cette sophrologue vous aide à cultiver votre positive attitude

1674236768 A Mauperthuis cette sophrologue vous aide a cultiver votre positive

Par Vanessa Relouzat Publié le 20 Jan 23 à 16:03  Le Pays Briard Voir mon actu Suivre ce média Elodie Schartier a ouvert son cabinet de sophrologie à Mauperthuis, début janvier.  ©VA/LPB Encens, Palo Santo, sauge blanche. Elodie Schartier souhaitait « un lieu avec de bonnes énergies », c’est effectivement un petit cocon qu’elle a aménagé dans … Read more

The horoscope for the week of January 13 to 19, 2023: this sign looks for all that is positive around him – X Gossip

The horoscope for the week of January 13 to 19

Relationship, work, fitness… find out what the week of January 13 to 19, 2023 has in store for you, according to your zodiac sign. One sign in particular is the darling of the stars! This week, the star sign is Aries, as Jessica Chastain. You make your existence as harmonious as possible. Is your man … Read more

150 positive mantras for the new year | Today.com

150 positive mantras for the new year Todaycom

Positive thinking allows those who practice it to regain self-confidence, to significantly increase the success rate of their projects and to improve their quality of life. How ? By repeating positive mantras every day, that is to say short rewarding phrases centered on “I” or “Me”. It costs you nothing to try… Repeating positive affirmations … Read more

Connaissez-vous les bienfaits de l’anticipation positive, un déstressant naturel à la portée de tous ?

15 combinations of signs to form the perfect couple

“Embrasse le moment présent” nous recommande-t-on quand on commence à psychoter ou à philosopher sur notre futur. Si beaucoup s’accordent à dire que profiter de la vie c’est vivre l’instant T, la science et les psychologues tiennent un autre discours. Car anticiper serait, en fait, l’une des clés de notre équilibre psychique. Selon plusieurs études, … Read more

“Meditation can have a positive impact on people with chronic pain”

1669845198 Meditation can have a positive impact on people with chronic

Conferences at the Cité des sciences Conferences at the City of Science and Industrycase A doctor by training, Sylvie Besson teaches yoga and uses “mindfulness meditation” to treat patients. For her, this practice can help prevent relapses. Release, partner of the cycle of conferences “What is life?” (from September 2022 to January 2023) organized by … Read more

When Positive Thinking Becomes Toxic

The detonating Silence of Falk Richter

“See the bright side of things” not enough to get better. This advice, stemming from positive thinking, even has the opposite effect on your mental health. Here’s why. Positive thinking is a concept that encourages having a consistently positive attitude to be happy and successful, even in difficult times. Most of the time, this mindset … Read more

Pensée positive : « Nier les émotions négatives est inefficace »

Star Academy what happened to Carine Haddadou candidate for the

INTERVIEW – Entretien avec Yves-Alexandre Thalmann, psychologue clinicien, professeur de psychologie et formateur. Il vient de publier «Pensée positive 2.0, la loi d’attraction enfin expliquée» (Éd. Source Vive). LE FIGARO. – Pourquoi vous a-t-il semblé nécessaire de conceptualiser une nouvelle «pensée positive»? Yves-Alexandre THALMANN. – J’ai longtemps assisté à la confrontation irréconciliable de deux mondes: … Read more

3 zodiac signs are waiting for a gift from imminent fate: a positive period begins

3 zodiac signs are waiting for a gift from imminent

The Sun’s entry into the sign of Scorpio on October 24 means two things: the start of Scorpio season! And that’s not all, on October 25, a New Moon in Scorpio will push you to emotional introspection, while a partial solar eclipse on the same day will invite you to rediscover your inner self. Either … Read more

Do you know the benefits of positive anticipation, a natural stress reliever available to everyone?

10 good reasons to eat figs So Busy Girls

“Embrace the present moment” we are told when we start to psycho or philosophize about our future. If many agree that to enjoy life is to live the moment T, science and psychologists have a different discourse. Because anticipating would, in fact, be one of the keys to our psychic balance. According to several studies, … Read more

“Manifest dating”: what if positive thinking allowed you to find love?

Visualization, Law of Attraction, Positive Thinking: Call it what you want, but it seems flirting with your crush is possible. How ? Thanks to a technique that seems to have many followers: “Manifest Dating”. D‘after one study by the Badoo dating app in August 2022, in partnership with the Focaldata polling institute, the French registered … Read more