The astrological symbolism of the planets: a key to understanding yourself and others better

The astrological symbolism of the planets a key to understanding

In astrology, each planet is associated with specific symbolism that can tell us a lot about our personality, motivations, and needs. This symbolism comes from observing the characteristics of each planet and its place in the solar system. By becoming aware of these symbols, we can better understand our behaviors, our strengths and our weaknesses, … Read more

6 planets will be in retrograde in September, including Mercury, so watch out

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When the planet Mercury enters a period of retrograde, it can feel like nothing is going right in our lives. This movement of the stars occurs at the same time as 5 other planets, and here is what that means. • Read also: 10 Things That Happen To Us When Mercury Retrogrades From September 9 … Read more