Here’s to the unfairly underrated power of orgasm

Heres to the unfairly underrated power of orgasm

The orgasm, final bouquet of the pleasures of the flesh, is capable of sending us waltzing to another planet, both literally and figuratively. In any case, this is what a new TikTok phenomenon, called “method O”, implies, sex magick or manifestation by orgasm. This trend aligned with esotericism suggests seizing the magic of orgasm to … Read more

The O Method: the promise of realizing your dreams through the power of orgasm

The O Method the promise of realizing your dreams through

TikTok’s latest craze, whose users are ecstatically raving about its merits, the O method promises to achieve wishes through the power of orgasm. “The power of orgasm”, yes. And the formula is not ours, but rather hordes of converts who sing the praises of the O method and its pleasurable effects. The principle? The “orgasmic … Read more

Discover the “manifestation by orgasm”, an unusual method to achieve your goals

Discover the manifestation by orgasm an unusual method to achieve

Manifesting one’s aspirations has become a popular approach for those who believe in the power of attraction. On TikTok, a variant offers a special time to make requests to the universe. Ucash flow, a new job, a soul mate AND an orgasm? We say yes, yes, yes! In any case, this is what this new … Read more

OneTaste: Netflix offers a film on the cult of orgasm and its excesses in Silicon Valley

OneTaste Netflix offers a film on the cult of orgasm

Netflix took the initiative to take us to one of them: The Orgasm Industry: The Story of OneTastea company founded in the mecca of start-ups, tech gurus and the land of innovation that is Silicon Valley, which promised ” spiritual enlightenment and community through 15 minute female orgasms“. However, what started out as just an … Read more

OneTaste Members Say ‘Orgasm Inc’ Doc Uses Stolen Footage – CNET – ApparelGeek

OneTaste Members Say Orgasm Inc Doc Uses Stolen Footage

Former members of OneTaste – an orgasmic meditation company that has been accused of being a cult – claim the upcoming Netflix doc ‘Orgasm Inc’ uses “stolen footage”. The group, which calls itself “The Real People of OneTaste”, created a website, “Hey Netflix”, claiming that “the documentary was largely produced from footage stolen and sold … Read more