Newton Ahmed Barry: “If I should be one more dead, then so be it…But no one will silence me”

This is an open letter from Newton Ahmed Barry which discusses recent calls by Captain Ibrahim TraorĂ©’s “defenders” to attempt his life. In this forum, he also returns to his commitment enamelled with adversity and difficulties all these years for a better Burkina and believes that nothing and no one could silence him. “If I … Read more

Unbalanced star cluster could refute Newton and Einstein, controversial new study suggests – CNET – ApparelGeek

Matteo Guendouzi selected for the World Cup who is Mae

Astronomers observing star clusters in our galaxy have found evidence that controversially challenges Newton’s laws of gravity and could upend our understanding of the universe. The puzzling discovery could support a controversial idea that removes dark matter entirely. The researchers found this evidence by observing open star clusters or loosely bound groups of a few … Read more

L’insaisissable constante de Newton – Sciences et Avenir

Linsaisissable constante de Newton Sciences et Avenir

Cet article est extrait du mensuel de Sciences et Avenir – La Recherche n°900, datĂ© fĂ©vrier 2022. Le problème demeure insoluble depuis plus de trente ans. Et rend littĂ©ralement fous les physiciens. Il concerne la constante gravitationnelle, appelĂ©e aussi constante de Newton et dĂ©signĂ©e comme “le grand G”. Une grandeur Ă´ combien fondamentale puisqu’elle permet de … Read more