Never consider these myths if you want to practice meditation.

Riccardo Muti explains why the opera must assume its history

The practice of meditation is to deliberately devote oneself to one’s mind. During our busy days, we make time to sit, breathe, and try to focus on our breath. This discipline promotes a greater awareness of our thoughts, a more compassionate behavior towards ourselves and others, and a connection to the present moment. If you … Read more

All those myths, legends and superstitions surrounding the cat

There will be no season 2 for Saint Seiya on

For nearly four millennia, cats fascinate men. Wherever they lived they were revered or feared (sometimes simultaneously). Their enigmatic gaze, their silent movement, their long incomprehensible behavior (sometimes it still is!) has aroused ambivalent feelings in men and led to many superstitions. Life is good for a 21st century cat: he lives with the times, … Read more

World Schizophrenia Day: Eradicating myths and superstitions

The international community celebrates today, May 24, 2022, World Schizophrenia Day. May 24 corresponds to the date when a great French doctor had freed patients with mental illnesses who were most often imprisoned and chained in the 1700s. These patients who are still in 2022 hidden, partitioned between 4 walls in societies like ours To … Read more