Anxiety disorders: mindfulness meditation as effective as an antidepressant – Santé Mentale

Anxiety disorders mindfulness meditation as effective as an antidepressant

A clinical trial[1] conducted on a sample of 276 adults, published in November 2022 in the American scientific journal JAMA Psychiatry, carried out under the supervision of Doctor Elizabeth A. Hoge of the Department of Psychiatry at Georgetown University and with the support of Eric Bui, psychiatrist, researcher at the University of Caen, on stress … Read more

Addiction: mindfulness meditation helps get rid of opioids

Addiction mindfulness meditation helps get rid of opioids

THE ESSENTIAL Opioids are drugs with analgesic properties used primarily to relieve pain. They can also be produced or obtained illegally. They have different side effects, the most serious being the risk of addiction or overdose, especially when consumed outside of a medical framework. According to WHO estimates, some 115,000 people died of … Read more

Anxiety disorders: mindfulness meditation as effective as antidepressants

Anxiety disorders mindfulness meditation as effective as antidepressants

According to a new study, practicing mindfulness meditation for anxiety may be as effective as taking a prescribed antidepressant for anxiety disorders. Will we soon be able to replace antidepressants with mindfulness meditation in the treatment of anxiety disorders? According to a study by researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center published in the journal JAMA … Read more

Mindfulness Day: how to celebrate the world day dedicated to meditation and mindfulness? – Media Patrollers

Mindfulness Day how to celebrate the world day dedicated to

Every year on September 12, the day of mindfulness is celebrated around the world and lovers of this practice gather in meditation groups, attend seminars or simply devote a few minutes of their time to mindfulness. Here are some ideas on how best to spend the day. Every year the September 12around the world is … Read more

Mindfulness meditation: a more effective anti-stress remedy than antidepressants?

Mindfulness meditation a more effective anti stress remedy than antidepressants

The mindfulness meditation is increasingly popular. It consists of focusing your attention on the present moment by welcoming your thoughts with kindness. And it would be so beneficial, that it would even act on the anxiety disordersaccording to a recent study. Mindfulness meditation as effective as antidepressants? Created in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, a professor … Read more

Mindfulness meditation in schools heightens tensions

Mindfulness meditation in schools heightens tensions

” “Mindfulness” or “attentive presence” is “an entirely secular practice whose goal is to train the capacities of attention and discernment to what is present in the moment (…) and to thus help to acquire a better inner stability “Explains in his report submitted in January 2021 to the Minister of National Education, MP Gaël … Read more

Mindfulness meditation does not change the structure of the brain

The detonating Silence of Falk Richter

THE ESSENTIAL Mindfulness meditation is an anti-stress practice that involves focusing on the present moment and environment. No change in the brain structure of those who practice it is visible on MRI Science does not validate the effects of mindfulness meditation! Sold as a very effective recipe against stress, this practice, … Read more

Mindfulness meditation in the workplace to develop well-being and performance at work

Mindfulness meditation in the workplace to develop well being and performance

By Stephane Leluc Grandstand. Work life in most companies has become hectic, characterized by cognitive overload and an increasing complexity of the technological, legal and organizational aspects of work. The rhythm is extremely fast and the generalization of functioning in multitasking mode (the illusion that we can do several things at the same time) causes … Read more

Escape An Anxiety Attack With This 5-Step Mindfulness Technique

Escape An Anxiety Attack With This 5 Step Mindfulness Technique

Have you ever had one of those moments when a stressful thought floods your mind and suddenly you can’t think of anything else? While for some people anxiety is transient and part of everyday life, others may suffer from anxiety disorders that expose them to persistent feelings of fear, dread or unease. As Inserm explains … Read more