The opinion of psychologists on the law of attraction

“It’s crazy, I was sure it would happen, I had to manifest it!”: in 2021, this kind of sentence has become common. The law of attraction, small star of personal development, enchants us more and more, so much so that the famous Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, published in 2006, is no longer so secret. The … Read more

Council of Ministers: the draft of the new investment law adopted – Algerie Eco

The President of the Republic, M Abdelmadjid Tebboune, chaired, on Thursday, a special meeting of the Council of Ministers devoted to the examination and debate of the draft of the new law relating to investment, indicates a press release from the Council of Ministers. “The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Supreme Head of … Read more

How to use the law of attraction in everyday life? The right gestures to make the most of it!

How to use the law of attraction in everyday life

Do you believe that your thoughts really influence your life and your daily life? Can you attract good things through the power of positive thinking? Can you get it all by following this philosophy? So, as you’ve probably already guessed, we’re talking about the law of attraction, which has been gaining a lot of followers … Read more

Presidential 2022: how Zemmour imposes its law on the right

Presidential 2022 how Zemmour imposes its law on the right

Three months after his sensational entry into the atmosphere, Eric Zemmour continues to reshuffle the presidential cards. While commentators had buried him after his slip in the polls in early December, the far-right polemicist managed to catch up and is now ahead of LR candidate Valérie Pécresse. He even foresees the second round, taking the … Read more