Britney Spears back on Instagram: her new publications worry her fans

After a few days of absence, the starlet explained that she had “accidentally” deactivated her account. Instagram / britneyspears Published on 11/12 at 10:58 By F.Gh. (DR) On December 2, Britney Spears was celebrating her birthday by making a series of weird Instagram posts. The singer had in particular taken the opportunity to make a … Read more

“Renaissance” : Kelis, en colre contre Beyonc, rgle ses comptes sur Instagram

Renaissance Kelis en colere contre Beyonce regle ses comptes

Crdits photo : Montage Pure Charts Bestimage C’est l’vnement de la semaine et de l’t ! Beyonc vient de sortir son nouvel album “Renaissance”, et le cocktail est runi pour s’assurer un succs. Pourtant, le disque a fuit sur Internet, cause de la mise en avant du disque 48 heures avant sa sortie dans des … Read more

Funny, playful and feminist: these Instagram accounts that bring astrology into a new cycle

Funny accounts on Instagram, YouTube channels, apps… Astrology, this old moon, is having a revolution. Demonstration with five influencers light years away from Madame Soleil. “Watch the astro on instagram, it’s a bit like a knock. I don’t necessarily understand everything, but it makes me laugh, especially when I see memes with Monica from Friendsa … Read more