Vivre la «gratitude», premier pas vers la «conversion» – ZENIT – Francais

Free daily horoscope what does Thursday December 8 2022 have

« Etre conscient de notre pauvreté sans l’être aussi de l’amour de Dieu, nous écraserait. En ce sens, l’attitude intérieure à laquelle nous devrions accorder le plus d’importance est la gratitude » : le pape François a invité les membres de la Curie romaine à « un exercice constant de gratitude ». Le pape François a rencontré les membres de … Read more

Light therapy, mindfulness meditation, gratitude… Six simple tips to prevent depression

Light therapy mindfulness meditation gratitude Six simple tips to prevent

The doctor of neurobiology, and editor-in-chief of the journal “Cerveau et Psycho”, Sébastien Bohler, the doctor of psychiatry and neurosciences, psychiatrist and researcher at the AP-HM, Guillaume Fond, and the neuropsychiatrist Christophe André were the guests of the show Great good do you. At the microphone of Ali Rebeihi, they issued some advice to anticipate … Read more

Here are five REALLY good reasons to keep a gratitude journal for your mental health

If it is not always easy to constantly smile at life – given that it inevitably brings with it its share of worries and hardships – it is clear that it also has real moments of happiness in store for us. daily. As insignificant as they may seem at first sight, learning to notice them, … Read more