How to preserve memory with simple gestures?

How to preserve memory with simple gestures

Unhealthy lifestyles, natural aging of the brain, Alzheimer’s disease… As powerful as it is, our memory can be weakened by various factors. But, good news: “As several epidemiological studies have shown over the last few decades, it is possible to optimize one’s memory on a daily basis, to curb its decline, or even delay the … Read more

Buddhist Mudras (hand gestures) and their meanings in Feng Shui | Nostrodomus

Riccardo Muti explains why the opera must assume its history

What is a mudra? A mudra is a Sanskrit word meaning sign. You may have used a mudra in your yoga class. Or if you look at any image of the Buddha, he always holds a mudra. On a superficial level, a mudra is often indicated as a hand gesture. However, mudras have a deeper … Read more

How to lose belly fat without exercising? 10 good gestures to adopt without delay!

How to lose belly fat without exercising 10 good gestures

Having a big belly is much more than just unsightly. Scientific research has proven that visceral fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, among others. Similarly, people who have added too many inches to their waistline are at greater risk of metabolic disease even if they are otherwise lean. … Read more

How to use the law of attraction in everyday life? The right gestures to make the most of it!

How to use the law of attraction in everyday life

Do you believe that your thoughts really influence your life and your daily life? Can you attract good things through the power of positive thinking? Can you get it all by following this philosophy? So, as you’ve probably already guessed, we’re talking about the law of attraction, which has been gaining a lot of followers … Read more