First name love and friendship compatibility: find if you are soul mates thanks to numerology.

First name love and friendship compatibility find if you are

Are you an incorrigible romantic? Or are you wondering if you would be a good friend to someone? No need to pull out your tarot cards or call a random clairvoyant. The answer is written in the numbers! Yes ! For all the pragmatic fact checkers out there, we are pleased to introduce a little … Read more

What are the most compatible zodiac signs in friendship?

Friendship, which zodiac signs get along the best? In astrology, there are 2 major groups of compatibilities, which have energies that respond to each other. In a 1er group, we find the signs of fire and air (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) which attract each other with their dynamism and their extroversion. The … Read more

The Peace Museum under the sign of Franco-German friendship

Since its creation, the Maison de la Paix and the association Concorde et Paix Estaing, with its president Petra Keppler, have been working with dynamism for actions around peace. Today, the Maison de la Paix celebrates Franco-German friendship with the exhibition of works by the German painter, Rainer Geburzyk. Entitled “Color Fields – Tranquil Paintings”, … Read more

Astrological sign friendship compatibility: the right alliances to form a perfect duo! What does astrology say?

Astrological sign friendship compatibility the right alliances to form a

In your daily life, you meet people who seem to have the same interests as you. Also, these individuals make you a better person. It doesn’t matter if you believe in astrology or not, it’s true that some zodiac signs are meant to be soul mates. This affirmation applies to romantic relationships as well as … Read more