Figures et images. De la figura antique aux théories contemporaines ? (revue Rubriques/Utpictura18)

Yoga of sound when singing takes a relaxing turn

Figures et images. De la figura antique aux théories contemporaines ? Revue Rubriques/Utpictura18 Numéro coordonné par : Benoît Tane, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, LLA CREATIS Comité scientifique : Hélène Campaignolle-Catel (CNRS, Sorbonne nouvelle) Ralph Dekoninck (UC Louvain, GEMCA) Agnès Guiderdoni (UC Louvain, GEMCA) Christophe Imbert (UT2J, LLA Creatis) Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé (UT2J, PLH) Olivier Leplatre (Lyon III, IHRIM) Sources … Read more

Forms and figures of modern psychomachy, 20th-21st century (Montpellier)

APRNEWS Infertility the stigma overturned for Elisabeth 61

Call for papers for a study day Forms and figures of modern psychomachy (XX-XXI century) UPV3-RIRRA 21 Program“Literature and New Media” May 15, 2023, St-Charles site of the University of Montpellier 3 We readily observe, through various contemporary media, this recurring pattern of a figurative representation of mental life, taking place in the spatialized mind … Read more