The last Salem witch exonerated… 329 years after her conviction

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Last week, she was still a witch. It is only since this Thursday, July 28 that the name ofElizabeth Johnson Jr. was cleared, in Salem, Massachusetts (USA). She had been sentenced to death in 1693, after being convicted of witchcraft in a trial that accused her, along with 20 other members of her family. They … Read more

Victims of witch hunts between the 16th and 18th centuries soon to be officially exonerated in Scotland

Victims of witch hunts between the 16th and 18th centuries

Nine women are burned for witchcraft on a riverbank in Dumfries, Scotland (April 13, 1659). MARY EVANS PICTURE LIBRARY / PHOTONONSTOP EThey were accused of spoiling the crops, of changing into animals to commit their misdeeds, even of dancing with the devil. In Europe, between the sixteenthand and the XVIIIand century, thousands of women and, … Read more