Astro Food 2023: here are the dishes to eat according to your astrological sign

Astro Food 2023 here are the dishes to eat according

Our culinary tastes would depend on our personality… and therefore on our astrological sign! In any case, that’s what UberEats is saying, which is unveiling its Astro Food 2023. So, what specialty will be your favorite dish? Summary Taurus, Aries, Scorpio… Our culinary choices are of course a reflection of our tastes, but would also … Read more

Quick slimming diet according to your astrological sign: What should you eat to lose weight?

Quick slimming diet according to your astrological sign What should

We all have sun signs that determine our relationships and our health. Now it’s time to talk about weight loss. We have prepared a list of diet plans according to the date of birth and we have explained why one should follow them. Curious to know which fast slimming diet suits your astrological sign? Find … Read more

Weight loss: how to eat mindfully?

“Mindfulness meditation is about focusing on the present moment and observing one’s thoughts, emotions, sensations.“, explained in 2012 to the World Jon Kabat-Zinn, theorist of the MBSR program (mindfullness-based stress reduction or “stress reduction through mindfulness”). “It is a training of the mind, as one trains a muscle , to be present in what we … Read more