Chroma Yoga: the discipline that uses colors to achieve physical and mental well-being » La TV en Live

Chroma Yoga the discipline that uses colors to achieve physical

We have already talked about yoga and the many benefits it brings to our body. Thousand-year-old techniques that contain many secrets for body, mind and spirit. Activities that include body and respiratory gymnastics, psychophysical disciplines aimed at meditation or relaxation. There are different types of yoga, the most classic focus mainly on spiritual research, and … Read more

Qu’est-ce que l’astro-coaching, discipline en vogue qui allie psychologie et astrologie ?

What does the Labbe law say about the ban on

(ETX Daily Up) – L’astrologie est une tendance qui touche tous les domaines, de la mode à l’art de vivre en passant par la… santé. Un concept assez nouveau en France commence à se développer : l’astro-coaching, une discipline de développement personnel qui s’appuie sur la psychologie et le thème astral. L’astro-coaching ou astrothérapie s’intéresse … Read more