Crypto: Ex-FTX Boss Released on $250M Bail

New Manga Proves Reincarnation Is The Genres Worst New Trend

NEW YORK: A New York federal judge agreed on Thursday to release the founder and former boss of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange platform, the American Sam Bankman-Fried, on a monster bail of 250 million dollars. The most famous figure in the world of cryptocurrencies was released from federal court in Manhattan around 7:30 p.m. GMT. … Read more

Crypto: Stricter legislation in Kazakhstan

Crypto Stricter legislation in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a very advanced country when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Its cryptomining industry has even become one of the largest in the world. Only problem: it favors the shortage of electricity on the whole of the Kazakh territory. It is for this reason that the Kazakh parliament decided to take stronger measures. The main … Read more

Garde crypto : il n’y a pas de solution parfaite pour tous, alors que choisir selon vos besoins ? – BeinCrypto France

Garde crypto il ny a pas de solution parfaite

La garde des crypto-monnaies est devenue un sujet majeur. Selon Adrian Pollard, cofondateur d’HollaEx, la façon dont nous conservons nos richesses, explique Adrian Pollard, cofondateur d’HollaEx. Il y a bien longtemps, les gens aimaient stocker leur richesse dans les matériaux les plus lourds et les plus durs – diamants, argent et or – et les … Read more

Crypto: 190 million dollars hacked on Nomad Bridge!

Crypto 190 million dollars hacked on Nomad Bridge

Very early in the morning, we learned that Nomad Bridge was the subject of a cyberattack costing him the disappearance of all of his assets. About $190.7 million in cryptocurrency went up in smoke on occasion. To say that this bridge allows the transfer between Ethereum, Avalanche, Moonbeam, Evmos and Milkomeda C1. Nomad Bridge stripped … Read more

Scared Of Crypto? Here’s How You Can Spot Fake Crypto Exchanges

Scared Of Crypto Heres How You Can Spot Fake Crypto

The growing popularity of crypto has led to an increase in the number of crypto investors as well as genuine and fake crypto exchanges. A cryptocurrency exchange is a marketplace, where cryptocurrencies can be bought and sold. Crypto exchanges provide storage for crypto along with trading services and price discovery through trading activity. Incidentally, cybersecurity … Read more