European Assembly of SMEs 2022: crises and hope

European Assembly of SMEs 2022 crises and hope

In Prague, the European SME Assembly 2022 took stock of the crises affecting small and medium-sized enterprises and how to turn them into opportunities. It has also honored success stories by awarding the European Prizes for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship. The energy crisis, inflation and the fragile post-pandemic recovery loomed over the 2022 SME Assembly … Read more

Morocco as an African example in the face of current political and economic crises

1660313637 Morocco as an African example in the face of current

Tangier Med (illustration) The press and social networks highlight, every day, the dissatisfaction of a large part of Moroccan society. These people refuse the recent increases in the prices of the products necessary for the dignity of their lives and declare that their salaries are no longer sufficient. The causes of this problem are obvious … Read more

Les extases de Sainte Thérèse d’Avila étaient-elles des crises épileptiques ?

Les extases de Sainte Therese dAvila etaient elles des crises epileptiques

Thérèse d’Avila © Wikipedia Religieuse espagnole et figure majeure de la spiritualité catholique, Sainte Thérèse d’Avila (1515-1582) aurait-elle été atteinte d’épilepsie ? Et cette épilepsie a-t-elle pu jouer un rôle dans sa vie mystique ? Telles sont les questions que se sont posé des neurologues, un neurochirurgien et un historien français dans un essai paru … Read more