Bernard Werber: “I think I lived in Atlantis, and the being that I was was so cool!”

Bernard Werber I think I lived in Atlantis and the

The ants, The Thanatonauts, tomorrow cats… We no longer present Bernard Weber. Author of around thirty books, the writer from Toulouse is read all over the world. His stories make us travel in fascinating and sometimes frightening universes. On the occasion of the release of his latest novel, The Diagonal of the Queensand as Halloween … Read more

Deux jours à Palm Springs, oasis rétro cool à deux heures de Los Angeles

CITY GUIDE – Au sud de la Californie et en plein désert, Palm Springs est le repaire des stars et des tribus branchées, mais c’est aussi un musée à ciel ouvert du courant architectural moderniste. Avec son ciel bleu azur, son ensoleillement toute l’année et ses rangées de palmiers qui bordent ses avenues rectilignes, Palm … Read more