Notre-Dame de Paris: the liturgical layout of the cathedral under study

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The appointment is made: in December 2024, the Notre-Dame cathedral should open to the public again. And if the enormous challenge of rebuilding the roof is advancing at high speed, there are dozens of points in the cathedral still under construction, starting with the liturgical layout. Last October, Mgr Laurent Ulrich, new Archbishop of Paris, … Read more

Notre-Dame de Paris: at the heart of the cathedral restoration project

Notre Dame de Paris at the heart of the cathedral restoration

On this chilly mid-December morning, onlookers on the Ile de la Cité have little regard for Our Lady. Since the spectacular operation to dismantle the scaffolding melted in the fire, completed in November 2020, the monument could seem asleep, despite the movements of the four huge cranes. How can you guess that inside a titanic … Read more

Heritage | How does Bank of America actively participate in the restoration of several of the masterpieces of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris? -Forbes France

Heritage How does Bank of America actively participate in

PHILANTROPY | Bank of America (BofA) believes in the power of the arts to help economies thrive, educate and enrich societies, and create greater cultural understanding. This year, BofA has decided to support 19 major international projects, including part of the restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris. Interview with Brian Siegel, Global Arts & Heritage Executive … Read more

Liège Cathedral: an architectural gem in the heart of the burning city

Travels From the choir to the cloister, Saint-Paul de Liège Cathedral offers a visit to more than ten centuries of history and religious and artistic heritage. By Florence Pirard / Photos Guy Focant The Saint-Paul church, founded around 965, was initially a collegiate church established in a developing city. At the beginning of the 19th … Read more