In the middle of a mystical ritual, a bridge collapses on more than 80 people

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A bridge collapses in India like in an Indian movie with a magic script. And yet the scene is real for a provisional report of 75 people dead. But, it is much more, since the local press announces a hundred deaths. And besides, the search would continue to find the missing. The suspension bridge spanning … Read more

Crypto: 190 million dollars hacked on Nomad Bridge!

Crypto 190 million dollars hacked on Nomad Bridge

Very early in the morning, we learned that Nomad Bridge was the subject of a cyberattack costing him the disappearance of all of his assets. About $190.7 million in cryptocurrency went up in smoke on occasion. To say that this bridge allows the transfer between Ethereum, Avalanche, Moonbeam, Evmos and Milkomeda C1. Nomad Bridge stripped … Read more