CBD herbal tea for sleep: what are the benefits?

CBD herbal tea for sleep what are the benefits.webp

Verified on 10/11/2022 by PasseportSanté In recent years, CBD or cannabidiol has been on the rise. It is used for its analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. It is found in the form of oil, e-liquid, raw leaves as well as herbal tea. What are the benefits of this for sleep? When and how to … Read more

Pranayama: the unsuspected benefits of alternate breathing

Pranayama the unsuspected benefits of alternate breathing

To practice yoga well, you must not forget to work on pranayama, in other words: breathing. Spotlight on alternate breathing which brings wonderful benefits. Summary With the poses, the pranayama, which means “breath control”, is one of the eight pillars of yoga. It is essential when one wants to practice yoga correctly and reap all … Read more

Do you know the benefits of positive anticipation, a natural stress reliever available to everyone?

10 good reasons to eat figs So Busy Girls

“Embrace the present moment” we are told when we start to psycho or philosophize about our future. If many agree that to enjoy life is to live the moment T, science and psychologists have a different discourse. Because anticipating would, in fact, be one of the keys to our psychic balance. According to several studies, … Read more

7 Facial Yoga Exercises And Their Anti-Aging Benefits

On Animal Consciousness… and Animal Welfare

There’s no shortage of yoga styles, but here’s a new type you may not have heard of before: face yoga. In addition to having potential anti-aging effects, face yoga can help you relax and relieve tension, especially in the muscles around your temples and between your eyes. (This type of tension can contribute to problems … Read more

Yoga for children: benefits and sequences to try

Yoga for children benefits and sequences to try

The benefits of yoga on children were reported and synthesized as early as 2018 in a study review conducted by the Department of Movement Sciences at a University of New Jersey, which concluded in particular a reduction in anxiety in children. and the teenager (Yoga as an Intervention for the Reduction of Symptoms of Anxiety … Read more

Equitherapy: process, benefits, for whom?

Equitherapy process benefits for whom

Healing the mind through the horse is what equine therapy offers. This therapy allows many interactions and work around cognitive and sensory aspects. What are the benefits and how does a session take place? Definition and discovery with Véronique Delespierre, clinical psychologist and equitherapist. Summary Definition: what is equitherapy? Equitherapy refers to the use of … Read more

What are the benefits of regular yoga practice?

What are the benefits of regular yoga practice

The practice of yoga gives its followers unsuspected benefits for the uninitiated layman. These benefits are as much physical as spiritual or respiratory. They allow individuals to feel good and to flourish. Nowadays, yoga is a very popular discipline and whose followers around the world number in the thousands. The reasons for this success are … Read more