Threatening Imam Iquioussen’s lawyer is attacking the rule of law

Mayan beliefs purification of the soul reincarnation 50 years in

Because she defended the Islamist preacher Hassan Iquioussen, lawyer Lucie Simon is harassed and threatened with rape and death on social networks. A collective of lawyers denounces this hatred and stresses that justice cannot be done on Twitter. “Dirty bougnoule whore, if we see you again in court to defend it, we’ll rape you and … Read more

Astrological guide to broken hearts (Netflix): here is the summary of season 1 before attacking season 2

Launched last October, the series Astrological guide to broken hearts quickly won over subscribers to netflix. The fiction, based on an Italian best-seller, revolves around Alice Bassi, a single 30-year-old working for a production company. She is heartbroken when she meets Tio, a self-proclaimed expert in astrology. The latter offers to guide her in her … Read more