Bernard Werber: “I think I lived in Atlantis, and the being that I was was so cool!”

Bernard Werber I think I lived in Atlantis and the

The ants, The Thanatonauts, tomorrow cats… We no longer present Bernard Weber. Author of around thirty books, the writer from Toulouse is read all over the world. His stories make us travel in fascinating and sometimes frightening universes. On the occasion of the release of his latest novel, The Diagonal of the Queensand as Halloween … Read more

Visions Of Atlantis a le vent en poupe – RADIO METAL

Visions Of Atlantis a le vent en poupe RADIO

Le premier confinement n’a été facile à encaisser pour aucun d’entre nous – mais pour Visions Of Atlantis, il a bien failli marquer la fin de l’aventure. Contraint de rentrer en Europe en catastrophe au beau milieu d’une tournée nord-américaine, le groupe ne doit son salut qu’à l’intervention financière de ses fans, sollicités pour acheter … Read more