History – Program of the Bureau des guides de Bourges with, this Thursday evening, the story of a learned astrologer at the Maison des Associations

Book The great minds of the Revolution meet

Celestial manifestations have always intrigued human beings. Some have even specialized in this study for a long time with the means of observation available to them at the time. Astronomy has thus become a science and sky-watching scholars have therefore worked hard to explain the planets, their movements, their interactions. However, many observed celestial events … Read more

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces… what are your good associations at work? – Here is

Bill Callahan Thomas Kahn Pixies Alexis HK… Notre selection musicale

Emotional and intuitive, Water signs don’t get along well with all other signs. Who do Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces work best with? Who should they be wary of? We tell you everything! The sensitive Cancer (June 22-July 22), the elusive pisces (February 20-March 20) as well as the mysterious Scorpio (October 24-November 22) are signs … Read more

Near Angers, associations fight against light pollution – HIT WEST

Near Angers associations fight against light pollution HIT WEST

10:23 a.m. – Modified: 10:31 a.m. by Emilie PLANTARD This Saturday, October 15, the France Nature Environnement association of Pays-de-la-Loire is organizing “Le jour de la nuit”, to raise awareness of light pollution. Already last weekend, the League for the Protection of Birds of Maine-et-Loire organized an action to denounce the lighting of an area … Read more

Meditation at school worries associations and unions

Mercury retrograde why is this period reputed to be chaotic

These are times when calm reigns in the classroom. Each student being, at the request of his teacher, listening to his breathing, his body, or his inner landscape. Said like that, it’s hard to see a reason to worry, quite the contrary. Especially since the defenders of mindfulness meditation in schools praise its benefits: attention, … Read more

Meditation at school worries associations and unions

What gift to give on a birthday according to the

These are times when calm reigns in the classroom. Each student being, at the request of his teacher, listening to his breathing, his body, or his inner landscape. Said like that, it’s hard to see a reason to worry, quite the contrary. Especially since the defenders of mindfulness meditation in schools praise its benefits: attention, … Read more

Astro et compatibilité amoureuse : voici les 5 meilleures associations de signes – Pleine vie

Astro et compatibilite amoureuse voici les 5 meilleures associations

Quels sont les signes qui vont bien ensemble pour filer le parfait amour ? L’application de rencontres Happn a peut-être un début de réponse. Quels signes sont faits l’un pour l’autre ? L’application de rencontre Happn vient de révéler un sondage* très intéressant sur le célibat et l’astrologie. Pour 13% des personnes interrogées, l’astrologie est … Read more