Christmas bonus 2022: here is who will be the beneficiaries of this aid!

Christmas bonus 2022 here is who will be the beneficiaries

Although the majority of people appreciate the spirit around the Christmas season, it is also a fact that Christmas shopping can be a significant financial burden for many. This is particularly true for large families or those in a precarious situation. Purchases that revolve around the Christmas holidays can be a real financial problem for … Read more

The best types of exercise to aid digestion

10 good reasons to eat figs So Busy Girls

Regular exercise can help food move through the digestive system, reduce inflammation and improve overall health. But finding the right activity to aid digestion can be tricky, especially if you have a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Here are five types of gentle exercise that can aid digestion and help you feel better. 1. Yoga For many … Read more

Threatened, the Malagasy authorities fly to the aid of the Tsimanampetsosta National Park – VivAfrik – News

Threatened the Malagasy authorities fly to the aid of the

It is a haven of biodiversity. The dry forests, huge salt lake and limestone caves that make up the 200,000 hectares of Tsimanampetsosta National Park are home to 90% endemic flora and fauna. But this ecosystem is under continuous pressure, worsening the situation of species already in danger of extinction every day. The regional directorate … Read more

Morocco: The Competition Council for a “gradual” abolition of state aid

The horoscope of the week from July 1 to 7

The Competition Council unveiled this week its report for the year 2021, presented to King Mohammed VI. In this reportthe council headed by Ahmed Rahhou returns in particular to the situation of competition, last year, in the kingdom, in a context marked by the resumption of economic recovery, after the crisis linked to Covid-19. “It … Read more

Astrologers and mediums to the aid of the Russian “special operation” in Ukraine

Astrologers and mediums to the aid of the Russian special

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa speaks about the future of Russia at a conference in Moscow, December 2007. DMITRY KOSTYUKOV / AFP LETTER FROM MOSCOW You thought the conflict in Ukraine had something to do with Russian imperialism? With the personal ambitions of President Vladimir Putin? With the expansion of NATO? Mistake ! “What happens between … Read more

Aïd el Kébir 2022 : date, signification, règles d’abattage en France… Ce qu’il faut savoir

Aid el Kebir 2022 date signification regles dabattage en France

AID EL KEBIR. L’Aïd el-Kébir (ou Aïd al-Adha), la “grande fête” annuelle des musulmans, débute en France et dans le monde avec le pèlerinage vers la Mecque débuté ce jeudi. La date clé de la célébration est fixée ce dimanche 10 juillet 2022… Sommaire [Mis à jour le 7 juillet 2022 à 12h47] Ils seront des centaines de milliers … Read more

Inflation: food aid of €100, here’s how to recover it

Inflation food aid of E100 heres how to recover it

In December 2020, the government announced the creation of food aid to deal with the yellow vests crisis. In July 2021, the implementation of the aid was voted in Parliament. Shortly after, it was definitively adopted in the climate and resilience law. Who will benefit from the aid? What are the terms of allocation? We … Read more