Numerology: what your civic address reveals about you

If we told you that your civic address could have effects on the energy that gravitates around you? With a simple numerology calculation of your address you could know what your home has in store for you.

To know the numerology of your house or apartment, you must first reduce your address to a single digit by adding each number of your address until you obtain a single number.

For example: you live at 5218 avenue des Érables = (5 + 2 + 1 + 8) = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7. Your apartment number is therefore 7.

Also note that letters have numeric values. You will only have to add the value of the letter to the result of the addition of your address.

For example: you live at 185B rue Fabre = (1 + 8 + 5 + 2 (which is equivalent to the letter B)) = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7. Your apartment number is therefore 7.

Here are all the numerical values ​​of the letters:

1 = Y, Y, S

2 = B, K, T

3 = C, L, U

4 = Q, M, V

5 = E, N, W

6 = F, O, X

7 = G, P, Y

8 = H, Q, Z

9 = I, R

Now that you have found your house number, find out what your address numerology has in store for you!

Home 1: Independence House

Are you a lonely person aiming for a high-level career and in dire need of freedom? You probably live in a “1” house. The energy of this number refers to innovation, ambition, individuality, leadership and above all independence. This is the ideal place for those who have an active career and always have a new project in motion. If you live in a house that has this number, however, you may find it difficult to meet a life partner. However, it can be a good address for those who have just separated and are looking to reunite. Take it and leave it!

Home 2: the house of love

Do you live in a “2” house? Everything suggests that it is in this house that you will have the best chance of building a solid and harmonious relationship, in love or in friendship. However, you should be aware that this little nest will make you want to cut yourself off from the rest of the world and will probably make you more emotional. Also, if you live alone in a “2” house, you might feel sad about not sharing your daily life with people.

Home 3: the house of positivism

This house is that of joy, creation and communication. In this house, you will want to socialize and express yourself. This is the perfect place to create and even start a family! If you live in a “3” house, you will definitely want to participate and organize a host of activities. Be aware, however, that the money could slip through your fingers as your projects are too numerous.

House 4: the house of stability

Good news for the inhabitants of house “4”, they will feel safe there and will have the impression of being able to carry out many projects. Faithful, diligent, organized… This is what describes the energy of the “4” house. If you plan to expand your family (by adopting a dog, perhaps) or even start an entrepreneurship, now is the time to do it. Residents of the “4” house often have very concrete ideas and aim for a slow and stable way of life. If you are looking for a sense of freedom… You will be unhappy there.

Home 5: the house of pleasure

Forget your responsibilities! House “5” is the perfect place to entertain and party. Flexibility, social, freedom describe well this house where everything seems possible. It is also in this house that the greatest ideas will see the light of day and that fears will be forgotten. Live fully and without regrets, this is what awaits the inhabitants of the house “5”. It is often a place of transition where you will probably not be able to live all your life, especially if you want to build a solid and concrete daily life.

Home 6: the house of beauty

House “6” is ultra warm and filled with love. It’s a beautiful place that will make you want to take on new challenges, such as starting your own business or even building your family. If the house “6” is perceived as the house of beauty, its inhabitants will have to learn to let go and abandon their little perfectionist side. In the “6” house, you will be able to grow and learn to trust your visionary ideas. This residence often resembles its inhabitants and will allow them to flourish. House “6” is also said to be a good place for animals!

House 7: the house of introspection

The inhabitants of the house “7” will want to deepen a little more their own vision of life. This house, which focuses on tranquility and spirituality, is an ideal place to get to know yourself better and to listen to your intuition. This house bets on intellectual and perhaps spiritual pursuits. If you are a writer or a teacher, you are likely to be perfectly happy here.

House 8: the house of money

No doubt, if you are someone who likes to get attention, you probably live in an “8” house! Financial abundance, authority, control and the realization of projects are at the heart of the atmosphere of this prestigious residence, whose decor is reminiscent of the windows of luxury stores. The inhabitants of the “8” house will tend to accumulate many possessions. They are also usually very good with pennies and for them this is a sign of success. In addition, they will want to give back to others and will show great generosity. The “8” house is also a great place to start your own home business.

Home 9: the humanitarian home

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I have 32 springs/summers/falls/winters. It’s been a lot of seasons, said the same. In all of this, there have been cold seasons and hot ones. There were stormy ones and also a host of beautiful ones, under the sun, interspersed with small storms here and there. Necessary storms, to clean up things that were no longer needed. Showers to make things grow that need to grow a little more, to take up even more space because those things, they fill the heart with joy. In the last few years, I decided to leave behind friendships and energies that were no longer aligned with me. It’s difficult. It hurts on both sides. But it has to happen sometimes. To agree to let go of the things that no longer connect, that creates space. And since life does not like emptiness, it took care of filling these spaces left vacant by depositing there magical and magnificent people who complete me, understand me, accept me, make me better and allow me to be me from every angle (even, and especially, the less upright ones.) In the last two days, I celebrated my holiday with my precious family and also with my precious friends. And it was probably, by far, my best birthday ever. Very simple, no worse improvised and feeling. Worse, that’s what gives the most beautiful moments: going there by feeling. It takes time, dusting off the little voice, because we haven’t been taught to listen to it. But when you tame it and learn to listen to it a little more attentively, you realize that it knows a lot more than us. And that, if we follow what she tells us, we will go far, and well. Very well. . . . Thank you all for your generous wishes. I am pampered and privileged to be surrounded so well. 💛

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Changing the world, one glass of wine at a time. This is undoubtedly the vibes who hides behind the house “9”. The latter is a place of gathering and pleasure where creativity and positivism come together. The inhabitants of the house “9” will want to help those around them and work on their personal spirituality. Love, compassion and the well-being of all are the core values ​​of this home. Your house is probably your gang’s headquarters. We meet there to relax on Sunday afternoons or even to spend a few days there, if we need to recharge our batteries.

This text should be taken with a grain of salt! He is greatly inspired by This article!

We wish to say thanks to the author of this short article for this outstanding content

Numerology: what your civic address reveals about you

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