Numerology 2022, year 6

Numerology is not, as is often mistakenly believed, a divinatory art but a great tool for personal development. Why ? Because the numbers come to answer two fundamental questions: Who am I? How to act? The numbers calculated and obtained from our personal data such as our first names, our surname and our date of birth, give us valuable information about who we are deeply, our talents, our potentials, our gifts. Whether these are exploited or not, they are within us and numerology reveals them to us. In this, it is an incredible tool for self-knowledge. But numerology is also an excellent life facilitator. How ? By shedding light on the vibration of the cycles that punctuate our lives and in particular by enlightening us on the frequency of the current year.

Tune to the frequency of the year

The frequencies that surround us are determined, among other things, by the universal year in which we find ourselves. They therefore indicate to us the vibratory flow in which we evolve. The objective: to avoid swimming against the current and, on the contrary, to ride the wave. “Imagine that you are planning to go fishing at sea when the weather forecast indicates strong winds and rain. If you still decide to take to the open sea, you will need to bring raincoat, rubber boots, medicine against seasickness and also accept being shaken. The outing will be stressful, energy-consuming and you are likely to come home empty-handed. Whereas if you decide to wait for better weather, you will sail on calm waters with pleasure and have a better chance of bringing in fish”. Numerology is there as a barometer, a warning. By indicating the right moment for action, creation, construction, reflection, questioning, achievement or conclusion, it brings us more fluidity in our lives. As you will have understood, numerology will not tell you what will happen to you this year but what you will have to do to live in harmony with it, so that its vibrations are carriers and help you to evolve in your personal and professional projects.

2022, a vibe 6

Positive 6 energy is that of love, peace, family, caring for others. It is a year that can therefore be experienced as a beautiful period of calm and harmony, conducive to romantic encounters, to the strengthening of existing emotional ties. It’s time to take care of your family, your home, your home, to take care of others and yourself, to be in a solution-oriented and improvement-oriented posture. The energies are also ideal for accepting new family or professional responsibilities (signing a new professional contract, marriage, taking care of your parents). If you have done well in previous years, worked in the right direction, built solidly, changed what needed to be changed, 2022 can even be a period of success.

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On the other hand, if the professional or family situation has been tense for some time, this period can be a source of conflicts, arguments, ruptures, leading to disharmony in your life. It will therefore be good all year round to try to bring gentleness and conciliation to your exchanges, balance to your actions, harmony to your relationships.
This is likely to be the challenge of 2022 at the global and national level…

The 2 at the center of concerns

This 2 present over a millennium (since 2000), reinforced at the level of the decade (since 2020) is also present at the level of the year. This shows the capital importance of number 2 in 2022. But what does it tell us? He invites us first of all to listen to our intuition when it comes to overcoming our doubts. Above all, he insists more than ever on the notion of sharing… The era of “every man for himself” is over. It has been time for 22 years now to be in the notion of exchange and sharing, goods, information, talents, knowledge… What this 2 comes to tell us is that to be in tune with its vibration , it is necessary to work together, hand in hand, in a posture of listening and welcoming the other. Regarding your professional projects, think of “exchange of information”, “sharing”, “association”, “collaboration”. This concept can be broken down into many actions: a conference for two, writing a book with four hands, a site that shares ideas, advice, good addresses, a coworking space, etc. This notion of sharing and cooperation works! Look at the model of Airbnb (house sharing), Vinted (clothing sharing), Google (information sharing) etc… More than ever, we need to know how to reach out to each other, work in synergy, know how to ask for help, advice and develop tolerance.

2022: what challenges at the global and national levels?

As you will have understood, individualism is no longer necessary. This is the case from a personal and professional point of view for each of us, but it is also what is at stake for our country. To respect the flow of the 2, the leaders will have to seek advice, assistance from others, listen to the voice of the citizens, go hand in hand with them, under penalty of waking up the dark side of the two, namely, a period of doubts, slowness and rupture with the people. Moreover, to be in tune with energy 6, those who govern us will have to act and communicate with sincerity (and be careful of false speech). Citizens will have to relearn how to express themselves with moderation, benevolence and be attentive to each other. Everyone, on both sides, must accept their responsibilities, otherwise they will also experience energy 6 in the shadows, namely, tensions and conflicts. We will have to accept everyone’s choices with tolerance, without this causing anger, ruptures and separate camps (the negative 2). Our individual and collective challenge will therefore be to ensure that we do not feed the warlike 6 and to maintain harmony in our lives.

The author

Numerologist and author, Céline Colle is passionate about human relations, psychology and the mysteries of the universe. Thanks to numerology, she accompanies others on the path to self-knowledge and helps them reveal their full potential. She is the author of Numerology, awaken your superpowerspublished by Jouvence.

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Numerology 2022, year 6

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