Numerology 2022: predictions for a bright year!

The year 2022 is placed under the sign of love and harmony, but depending on the numbers that govern your numerological ascendant, it can also have a dark side! Discover now our detailed and free forecasts for the coming year.

By adding the digits that make up 2022, we find the sum of 6 (2+0+2+2). A number that symbolizes love, aesthetics, harmony, family or even reconciliation. But beware, depending on your personal year number, the dark or bright part of 6 can be in the spotlight!

From numerology to tarot, there is only one step. If we consider the lover cardwhich is the 6th of the 22 main mysteries of the Marseille tarot deck, gives very interesting indications on what conveys the number 6. Indeed, when this card is favorable, it announces shared love, the choice of love but through a positive prism speaking of an enriching and serene alternative. On the other hand, when this card takes on a negative meaning, it speaks to us of love suffering, dilemma and sentimental blockage. This dichotomy may become less and less marked in 2022. Depending on your personal year number in numerology, of course.

According to numerology, we all have a life number that does not change. It accompanies us throughout our existence. Just like our astrological sign. On the other hand, numerology also speaks of personal year number which changes every year. To calculate it, you need to add the numbers making up your date of birth (day and month) and those of the year 2022. I’ll give you an example. If you were born on March 2, you will get: 2+3+2+0+2+2. You get the sum of 11. Now 11 equals 1+1. The number of your personal year is therefore 2.

Now let’s see how the number 6 resulting from the sum of those composing 2022 is expressed for you this year. In other words how love, aesthetics, harmony and family will play out in your life for the next 364 days.

Number 1 in 2022: love at half mast, work at the stern

If your personal year bears the number 1, love will find it difficult to express itself in your couple and will be tinged with doubt. On the other hand, harmony will be very real in the professional field. Your health, too, will be balanced and you will have little or no worries during the year 2022…read more about the predictions for the personal year 1

Number 2 in 2022: the confusion of feelings

For people with the number 2 in the personal year during the year 2022, it will be necessary to juggle between different states of love. Euphoria can very quickly take on the face of melancholy. In the professional field, there too, it will be an alternation between joy and doubt. Your harmony will therefore be mixed… read more about the predictions for the personal year 2

Number 3 in 2022: 100% balanced

The personal year number 3 portends a lot of harmony, creativity, whether in love or at work. Health issue, no significant problem to note. It is only in the financial area that tensions will be felt. Despite everything, a very well-balanced year…read more about the predictions for the personal year 3

Number 4 in 2022: efforts to achieve harmony

If your personal year bears the number 4, you will find a certain stability and therefore harmony in the different areas of your existence. But beware, for this you will have to give of yourself and make some effort. A balance to be considered but depending on your will… read more about the predictions for the personal year 4

Number 5 in 2022: creativity at the top!

Personal year 5 shines with creativity, taking initiative especially at work and in love. Especially in the second half. The family will also be honored. And all lived in dazzling form. Well, what more could you ask for. A year, therefore, very harmonious… read the rest of the predictions for the personal year 5

Number 6 in 2022: conflicts on the horizon

If your personal year number is 6, you will have family conflicts. But it is also your loved ones who will be able to help you evolve and provide you with support. A year that will be marked by disagreements and other dissonances. Except in the professional field where creativity will be in the spotlight. A mixed year but a beautiful family harmony despite everything… read the rest of the forecasts for the personal year 6

Number 7 in 2022: under the sign of loneliness

The figure of the personal year in 7 does not announce anything very harmonious, quite the contrary. Duality, conflicts, ill-being, it will be necessary to deal with certain relational difficulties. In love, it will be the status quo. A year under the sign of loneliness. But a desired and accepted solitude. A year marked by disharmony…read more predictions for the personal year 7

Number 8 in 2022: a harmony not so distant

Harmony will be there for people with the number 8 in the personal year. At work in any case, but also, to a lesser extent, in terms of health. For the rest, it will be more complicated, especially in the area of ​​love with many questionings. A balanced year in the end…read more predictions for the personal year 8

Number 9 in 2022: a cycle ends

People with the number 9 in the personal year will complete a cycle. Can we speak of harmony during this period? It will above all be a question of settling current affairs so that everything is ready in 2023. In order, precisely, to bring about harmony. And this in all areas. Efforts, therefore, but for the future. A year without real harmony but which will condition the balance of tomorrow… read the rest of the forecasts for the personal year 9

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Numerology 2022: predictions for a bright year!

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