Mirror hour 5:17 p.m.: what is its meaning? – She

Published on November 08, 2022 at 5:17 p.m.


A mirror hour presents itself to you. 5:17 p.m. crosses your path, but you can’t (yet) read between the lines? Here is the guide to understand everything.

Each hour has its influence and its history. Do you want to know the secrets of the Universe? Perfect, you’ve come to the right place. 5:17 p.m. is not only the sacred hour of tea time, no offense to our Queen Elisabeth… The period of mourning being officially over, we can restore the truth. 5:17 p.m. is first and foremost a mirror hour. For those who believe in it, it seems that it is above all a hidden message from heaven. A kind of reminder of the Universe, a cosmic SMS, a magical email. In short, a secret that eventually (finally) comes to light. ” The mirror hours, these little signs of life that boost me,” said Laury Thilleman in one of her columns. Let’s adopt this same positive attitude to discover what the sky has to say to us.

What is a mirror hour?

11:11 a.m., 10:22 p.m., 12:00 a.m. In a purely rational logic, the mirror hours, also known as double hours, are simply a repetition of the same number on the dial of a watch. Nothing extraordinary so far. Yes, but now, the mirror hours are also the source of many superstitions. Touch his nose, touch red, call his guardian angel, make a wish. Each person has their own ritual. Behind all this, however, hides a real motivation that summarizes the numerologist Caroline Drogo. “When you see a lot of mirror hours in the day, it means you’re where you need to be and you can move forward with confidence. »

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5:17 p.m., the double hour that frees our creativity

At ten years old, 5:17 p.m. was synonymous with relaxation before getting on with homework. We took the opportunity to taste, to dream of a life as a star in front of C’est pas sorcier or to play with friends by inventing stories. If upon becoming an adult this dynamic changes, there is no reason to abandon the very concept of this free time. At least, that’s what 5:17 p.m. tries to remind us. With this mirror hour, an inventive parenthesis opens. Numerologist Caroline Drogo says: “This mirror hour corresponds to a very creative period. You have to give free rein to your imagination and your feelings. Moreover, this is a small wink of fate. It is therefore the beginning of a “fruitful period for ongoing projects”.

The energy of the number 7 radiates. In numerology, the 7 has a particular vibration. We already explained it to you in the character of the number 7: “It influences reflection, analysis and inner life. All this to make you a being endowed with great wisdom and a very complete personality, capable of understanding others and the situations that arise. More concretely, at 5:17 p.m. your mind opens up to new possibilities. Everything becomes possible, easy and above all achievable. It is therefore time to free your desires, to dream big by seeing far to be able to manifest projects that are close to your heart.

5:17 p.m.: the interpretation of this tarot mirror hour

In the Tarot of Marseilles, each card, which is called an arcana, delivers a precise message to us. In this game, the seventeenth card is none other than the Star. A magical and luminous arcana that exudes joy, balance and sends us good vibes. Simone Berno, author of the book “The 22 doors of the tarot” confided to ELLE.fr the following formula: “The arcane L’Etoile symbolizes the youth and the beauty of beings and things. It is an image of nature in its first and aesthetic reality. It is a poetry of life. The Star represents artists and people related to well-being. It is the art of knowing how to create and heal the other and oneself. These are the artistic and intuitive gifts. An omen that echoes the energy of the number 7 in numerology.

In the same dynamic, some believe that a mirror hour is the sign of the appearance of a guardian angel. A question of belief, of course. But, on the side of enthusiasts of angelology (study of guardian angels), a discipline inherited from Kabbalah, at 5:17 p.m. is none other than the hour of influence of Imamiah. His role ? Free the mind to be able to see more clearly. Problems put aside, this leaves more room for new ideas.

5:17 p.m. in love

Whatever your situation, this mirror hour is to be taken as a pat on the back. “Don’t panic, everything is in line”, promises the Universe. It’s time to give in to pleasure and trust yourself a little more. In singles, this can make you want to reveal what’s on your mind. Do you have a crush in mind? Do not hesitate any longer and propose a date tonight to change the situation. As a couple, the situation is the same. If we can expect to see hearts get closer and feelings free, at 5:17 p.m. new projects emerge. Do you want to move, seal your union or go on a weekend for two? This is the ideal time to talk about it, discuss and propose the idea. The Universe is your best “wing man”, the rest is in your hands.

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Mirror hour 5:17 p.m.: what is its meaning? – She

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