Lysiane Lévy helps us to fully develop our potential

She was already taking care of people in her former life as a hairdresser and owner of hair salons. Today, she helps them develop their potential. “I started hairdressing very young, I was 16, recalls the therapist. I loved these years of hairdressing, it made me resourceful. And hairdressing is still a way, too, of accompanying people, of changing them, of helping them.”

Phox Saint Medard en Jalles / Lysiane Lévy

A few years ago, she went through a very trying period, a succession of deaths, and in particular that of a beloved grandfather and a mother suffering from multiple sclerosis, while she was pregnant. Ordeals that will profoundly upset her and bring out existential questions for which traditional medicine cannot provide answers.

She leaves aside the hairstyle and the reins to her employees, and begins a quest, which will take her from training to training: hypnosis, sophrology, eye movements, visualization techniques, numerology, development of potential… Seven years of study, readings, which she meticulously compiles, observing her impressions, her reactions, the possible uses she could make of them for such and such a problem, “without any pretension at that time to become a therapist or to use it to accompany others,” she says.

“Do not stay locked up”

She falls in love, as she describes it, for personal development. “More and more people asked me if I could receive them in hypnosis, then in sophrology, then in relaxation, the parents of children who could not find a solution with their psychologist, for example. So we had to make a choice, he naturally leaned towards personal development.” A year ago, she closed her two hairdressing salons to open a training and support center near Bordeaux, the Inspire-Respire Center.

“All this work, this journey, has allowed me to see that we are not just one version of ourselves and that we should not limit ourselves to a lack of studies, knowledge, ‘age. We are fortunate to have many training opportunities available to us. We can change our life at any time and be as close as possible to what we want to be at the moment, not to remain locked in a positioning, choices.

Energies of construction, of talent, of giving

Today, Lysiane Lévy accompanies around professional retraining through training, but also in psychological suffering. “I try to do the best, what I can, to give the keys to the car to all these people that I accompany.” She is also interested in numerology which she discovered after the death of her mother, who also had a passion for her.

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Lysiane Lévy trained in strategic numerology with Lydie Castells, a meeting that led to the co-creation, also with Natacha Calestrémé, of a game of reflection and strategic positioning, “Numerology in action”, which will allow to all people who do not know the discipline and who encounter a problem to obtain orientations and avenues of reflection on a position, a posture that they must adopt. “It allowed me to understand the true identity of numerology which is to reconnect with potential, with energies of construction, talent, gift, and I find that it is a very accessible tool for everyone and incredibly powerful.”

Lysiane Lévy has compiled her seven years of reflection in a book: “Understanding the energy language of your body”, published by Le Courier du livre.

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Lysiane Lévy helps us to fully develop our potential

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