Life Path 8, Year 9 Numerology

Numerology character 8:

Passionate, intuitive, you are a real “joke”. So, you need to vibrate on a daily basis and you don’t like warm or hot! You like explosive, incredible, unexpected situations that arouse a thousand and one emotions in you. Not being afraid of anything, risk, adrenaline attracts you and this encourages you to always provoke fate. Entire, stubborn, determined, you are a fighter and thanks to your determination, you can move mountains. Your deep nature encourages you to enjoy the present moment and to live life to the fullest, however sometimes you can be quite difficult to live with and to self-destruct. You must therefore learn to channel your energy. Real tornado, we can not help but notice you! Your strong point, you know how to constantly question yourself.

Silver Numerology 8:

Money attracts you and where it is you know how to flush it out. However, if you can be dexterous in managing your accounts or your affairs, you are in your spare time. Thus, you have a fairly ambivalent relationship with money and your life path is made up of ups and downs.

Numerology work 8:

Your development depends on your professional success. Voluntary, tenacious, efficient, you are not afraid of work overload and if you like your activity or a project, you give yourself body and soul. Possessing a good sense of timing and a good sense of repartee, you know how to steer your boat! Demanding of yourself but also of others, you are upright, honest and fair. Passionate, you need things to move and you can’t stand monotony. Good strategist, you know perfectly what you are doing and you master all the sectors in which you operate. Your orientations: the professions of finance, justice or law, construction, interior design, business, sales or trade, activities related to the army or the police, the world of sport, astrology, clairvoyance, numerology, psychology, all management, administrative or political positions. Sometimes the media…

Affective numerology 8:

You are passionate and you evolve by instinct, which makes your love life atypical, even quite complex. You often have strong relationships with your partner and this can go as far as jealousy and exclusivity. You therefore need to vibrate and be in fusion with the other, without which nothing is really possible. You need to admire and be admired, which drives you to look for a long time for the exceptional being who will find favor in your eyes! Your love life is often made up of incredible twists and turns, which makes your journey complex.

Social Numerology 8:

Although very independent, you are extroverted, even extravagant and you cannot imagine your daily life without being surrounded by people. You need to be reassured and your friends are an inexhaustible source of advice, listening and comfort. So, despite the fact that you are exclusive and selective, you are of a generous and faithful nature.

Well-being numerology 8:

Number of questioning and rebirth, you are active, dynamic and intrepid. Your weakness lies in your need to want to do too much and therefore to constantly draw on your energy reserves. Vive, however, you have great stamina and a good ability to recover. Your weak points are: nose, muscles, kidneys, genitals, lymph, immune system…

Materials, colors, minerals numerology 8:

Iron, steel, stone (more precisely lause, pumice stone…), chemical or recycled materials or fibres. Your colors: red, royal blue, mauve, purple, orange, black, white, contrasting tones…

Astrological correspondences and numerology tarots 8:

Libra, Scorpio, Pluto. Tarot cards: the Arcanum without name, the Wheel of Fortune, the Devil.

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Life Path 8, Year 9 Numerology

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