First name numerology

Each child is unique, but parents have always chosen names by chance. Each has its meaning, its hidden meaning, and sometimes it goes far beyond words. The proof with numerology, which makes it possible to calculate the numerical value of a first name. This value can have a real impact on the character and personality of your little one. Want to know more? Discover the calculation method to apply.

The meanings of each number

Each numerical value has its own character! Once you have done the calculation to know the numerology of your child’s first name, all you have to do is read the corresponding definition below.

The number 1 corresponds to children who have a strong personality. Dynamic, they do not hesitate to give their opinion and have a leadership temperament. However, they can also have a propensity for selfishness, even aggressiveness. Hence the importance of teaching them to listen to others as well.

The number 2 is that of sensitivity. The children concerned have a great imagination, are dreamers, wise and creative, but can also be airheaded and have a slight tendency to get frustrated if they cannot express what they imagine on a medium. They need to be stimulated.

The number 3 indicates a lively and voluntary character: if these children have an idea in mind, good luck to discourage them. Be careful, these children can be difficult to follow because their boundless energy can be exhausting for those around them.

The number 4 is the number of reason. These children tend to be very mature, very quickly: they learn and understand quickly, which can make them bored. Give them challenges to occupy their brains, otherwise they will quickly run out of stimulation.

The number 5 corresponds to curious children. “What’s this?” “Why?” “How?” These little ones want to understand everything and are passionate about the world and the people around them. On the other hand, they can be capricious, and sometimes even invent little lies…

The number 6 is that of wisdom. Children who have this numerical value are wise, show empathy and tenderness, but by dint of wanting to please everyone, they can forget themselves, and therefore have trouble making decisions or assuming their acts: they are afraid to disappoint.

The number 7 is the number of reflection, observation, research. These children like to touch everything, taste everything, discover new sensations. But wanting to discover everything for themselves, they have a certain tendency to individualism.

The number 8 corresponds to daring, sporty children, who have a champion mentality. Except that, inevitably, they will also tend to be sore losers, and intransigent with their future teammates.

The number 9 is the number of kindness and empathy, children who will always want to put themselves in the place of others, sensitive souls. Be careful, however, not to let them forget themselves by wanting to please others, in order to spare their tender little hearts.

Laetiticia Reboulleau


We want to give thanks to the author of this article for this outstanding material

First name numerology

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