Clairvoyance: Claude Alexis answers you!

Sarah de Vendome 03/08/1990

Among friends, I met a man who is the same age as me. Curiously, his date of birth has figures that are similar to mine, but reversed: Jérémy was born on 08/03/1990! We sympathized immediately, discovered common affinities, as well as the same belief in religion. Since then, we communicate and the same momentum carries us towards each other. Is it love, I couldn’t say yet, but I’m extremely troubled. I am passionate about numerology. Do you think the alignment of the numbers explains our reciprocity?

Dear Sarah, your question is interesting. Yes, adding numbers speaks! Especially since for Jeremy and you, the same numbers are added to the current year: 8+3+2+0+2+2 =17 (1+7=8). Your annual number is therefore 8. So how can the connection between the pragmatism of the numbers and the sensitivity of the emotion of love be made? Obviously… In numerology, the 8 is the year of the best as well as that of the worst. Old loves can revert, passion and violence intertwine. And the best? Everything, immediately! A soul mate, a dazzling encounter that kindles the flame of your desires. And as you are at the turn of the year 9, we are concretizing. Sarah, you have found your lover!

Christine de Hénin-Beaumont 09/26/1951

Dear Claude Alexis, I have just bought your book What will happen in 2023? and I always read you with as much pleasure. Your predictions, your vision of the world make me admire. Your gift is exceptional! I also watch carefully what will happen to me over the months: I am Libra. Your advice makes me move towards optimism and taking charge of myself. Thus, from the month of January, you encourage me to surpass myself and to make myself respected. Thank you for giving me this strength.

Dear Christine, I don’t know how to thank you in turn for your loyalty, of course, but also for your confidence and your admiration. I am not extraordinary! I was given a gift and I agreed to use it to put it at the service of others and their well-being. This is my vocation and my daily goal. As I write in my book: “To combine my birth gift with constant benevolence for the benefit of sensitive beings and the most deprived”. In all humility. My motto is to devote my time to those around me: men, women, children, parents, friends, family, consultants. Without forgetting the animals that I like to defend and protect. So, if my book can help make you stronger and make your life more beautiful, I’m sincerely happy.

Sebastien from Paris 11/20/1975

Hello, my question will perhaps seem innocuous to you, because it is a very beginning that I am in the process of lovingly living but I have just met Élodie, who was born on July 19, 1972. She is therefore a little older than me, which doesn’t really bother me, but, on the other hand, she’s going through a divorce and a mom to a big boy. I wonder if this relationship will last and if I can envisage a constructive future because this story does not represent for me just pleasure?

The association of the cards already gives a negative play on the final answer. Friendship seems to be omnipresent in Élodie’s life. He is a person who wants to have fun, to enjoy, and who likes to keep an independent side. According to her date of birth and my card draw, I don’t feel she’s ready for the moment to land in a lasting relationship! And above all, I see her not wanting to get involved in a love life, it’s too fast for her. The divorce is too close and the feeling of failure that accompanies her separation is still too present in her relationship with the other. My second draw shows me that his professional life currently prevails. You have not arrived at the right time in his life for a lasting relationship, I am sorry for you, but this relationship will not go into construction.

Claude Alexis Mail Here Paris 45-47, rue Letellier 75015 Paris, 01 77 62 03 62,

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Clairvoyance: Claude Alexis answers you!

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