The Peace Museum under the sign of Franco-German friendship

Since its creation, the Maison de la Paix and the association Concorde et Paix Estaing, with its president Petra Keppler, have been working with dynamism for actions around peace.

Today, the Maison de la Paix celebrates Franco-German friendship with the exhibition of works by the German painter, Rainer Geburzyk. Entitled “Color Fields – Tranquil Paintings”, it will be visible until the end of August.

Born in 1956 in Wiesbaden in Hesse, Rainer Geburzyk studied visual arts, communication, sociology, photography and graphic design at the University of Kassel. During his professional life he taught art and sociology, and since 1978 he has exhibited in various galleries in Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong and Nicaragua. He has also produced several artistic performances. Now retired, he continues his work and exhibits his paintings in several galleries in Germany and Europe. This summer, around twenty of his paintings are exhibited in Aveyron, in Estaing. A place he chose thanks to the invitation of an old school friend, Petra. It is an exhibition of contemporary non-figurative paintings that are part of the movement of abstract expressionism embodied by the artist Mark Rothko. The painter Rainer Geburzyk does not implement people, or patterns, or even perspectives, because the grandeur of his expression is translated by the nuance, the contrast and the complexity of the colors. For this, he chooses watercolor or acrylic, on canvas as on paper, while playing with shapes and colors. His technique of superimposing colors, layer after layer, allows the creation of deep and powerful surfaces, never smooth or perfect. They invite meditation and the interpretation of the “soul of color”. Rainer Geburzyk is self-taught. At the Maison de la Paix, Rainer Geburzyk combines his paintings with aphorisms and poems. The result is an open dialogue between images and texts, an invitation to contemplation and reflection for visitors. The effect of the colors can then emotionally touch or evoke memories inspired by nature experiences. Experiences like those experienced by pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela, walkers passionate about the landscapes, forests, stony expanses of North Aveyron or elsewhere. During the opening, Romance and Germanic languages ​​resonated in the small Garden of Peace during the speeches of the various speakers. A friendly demonstration during which Senator Jean-Claude Anglars cut the ribbon before the guided tour of the gallery led by the artist. Paintings combined with words of wisdom augur a summer of peace. Quite a symbol…

Opening hours: Friday and Saturday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. The association’s volunteers also receive visitors by appointment on 06 15 64 34 68.

Free entry.

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The Peace Museum under the sign of Franco-German friendship

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