The DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine partner of the national survey on actors and actions in the field of Art and Science

In recent years, the emergence of the Arts and Sciences field has concerned a growing number of actors and networks in France. This is particularly the case in New Aquitaine where many structures (artistic teams and higher education establishments) participate in the development of scientific, technical and industrial cultural policies (CSTI). Among the latter, we find the Lieu multiple in Poitiers, Cap Sciences in Bordeaux, the NACSTI network, the ACCESS festivals in Pau and ZERO-1 in La Rochelle or even La Métive, the latter supported as part of the call for Culture projects connected in New Aquitaine for the organization of the international symposium Arts and network in collaboration with the Sorbonne.

In this context, the Ministries of Culture and Education, Research and Innovation support the TRAS network (Transversal network of Arts Sciences) in the realization of an inventory of the actors, the typologies of actions and practices in the field of Arts and Sciences, throughout the national territory. With the collaboration of relays in the region, closest to the actors in the field, it is a question of highlighting the dynamics at work locally and their specificities.

Strongly committed to supporting the Arts and Sciences actors of the territory, in connection with its missions of supporting cultural research, creation and meditation projects in digital culture and the field of hybrid and digital arts, the DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine participates to the national steering committee for this survey open until November 15, 2022.

The results will make it possible to characterize the main elements that shape the Arts and Sciences field and to define the possible support methods.

Who is it for?quest?

Four main categories of actors are concerned by this survey, whether they are already engaged in Arts Science projects or simply interested in this field:

  • Cultural structures (places of creation, dissemination, art centers, museums, media libraries, etc.), socio-cultural, CSTI, environmental fields, and third places;
  • Artists, companies and collectives of artists;
  • Higher education establishments, laboratories, teacher-researchers, researchers, civil service personnel in the sectors concerned (BIATSS);
  • Companies and foundations.
Steering committee

• Ministry of Culture: General Delegation for Transmission, Territories and Cultural Democracy, Sub-Directorate for Training and Research, Office of Research and General Directorate for Artistic Creation, Sub-Directorate for Specialized and Higher Education and research, Research mission

• Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, Department of Relations between Science and Society

• Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Directorate General for School Education, Artistic and Cultural Education Mission

• DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Ministry of Culture, DGTTDC)

• Occitanie Region, Department of Research, Technology Transfer and Higher Education

• National professional networks: AMCSTI; A+U+C (Art University Culture); TRAS

• Members of TRAS, survey relay for the New Aquitaine, Île-de-France, Pays de la Loire and Occitanie regions

Arts + Sciences = Experimenta, the Biennial

Experimentathe Biennale returns in October 2022 for 10 days devoted to the many fruits that arise from the encounter between the Arts (theatre, dance, visual arts, electronic music, architecture, etc.) and the Sciences (formal, natural, human and social).

As a member of the steering committee for the Arts and Sciences survey, the DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine will take part in the Professional Meetings on 19 and 20 October in Grenoble. Calling together the networks of culture, performing arts, business and the world of research involved in the encounter between arts and sciences, these professional days are organized in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, the TRAS network and theONDA (National Office for Artistic Diffusion).

We wish to give thanks to the author of this article for this remarkable content

The DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine partner of the national survey on actors and actions in the field of Art and Science

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